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 Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2022-02-02

Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyTue 8 Mar - 23:15:33

Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko

Houseguests, it is now time to cast your eight vote for eviction.

Voting will open in 1 hour from now to give you time to think things through because once you vote, you cannot change your vote. This means you can start voting in your Diary Room as of 12:15am EST)

The voting deadline this round is 12:15pm EST Wednesday March 9th 2022.


The 2 nominees can feel free to plead their case on this thread but this is very important, ONCE YOU VOTE, YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR VOTE. (Now you know why you can't edit/delete in your DR)

Wishing the nominees the best of luck. I repeat, the Houseguests with the most votes will be evicted.
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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyTue 8 Mar - 23:33:05

Hey everybody, as im sure most of you know i have not thrived in aspect of this game so far im inactive a lot because of work and home life and im pretty sure i only made it this long because people probably forgot im still in, that said quality over quantity, in the short time i have spoken with a lot of y'all i have been genuine and came to really like you all and have been honest with my votes and thoughts when asked. this has been a new experience for me and ive loved getting to make it further and further each round and learn the game and forum more. I kept a lot of y'all safe on past votes and came through for y'all when ive given my word and even though i haven't won HOH i did keep 8 of y'all safe on the villain twist this round. I think im a good person to keep around because ill always be an easy nom and going into top 11 if your next to me in an important hoh or veto you have a good chance of winning. Either way vote what's best for your game and feel free to ask me anything in 1 on 1 if you need anything further from me, Good luck Liberty, ill be genuinely happy for whoever stays ( a little more if its me though lol).

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyTue 8 Mar - 23:43:15

Feel free to respond to our 1 on 1 lol

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyTue 8 Mar - 23:57:34

Also ill say this publicly if your working with Elliot but are too scared to target him KEEP me and ill go after him...the vote is anon so even if your working with him keep me and ill gun for him clearly with jury coming up he's gonna be a big threat so why not keep me here to A have somebody go for him and B be off his radar.

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:00:41

Clap if you care!

You sat here in my dms telling me that LIBERTY who hasn’t been active nor knows she’s nominated was the one telling you to nominate me. Don’t even bullshit it. Honest about your votes? Really? Because both Peter and Heihei last night said they had yours. I’ve already been nominated twice meanwhile you’ve been skating by being inactive as hell up until now. The only reason you’re all grouchy is because I clocked your ass lying straight through your fucking teeth. Come after me! See if I give a fuck

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:04:06

HELLO everybody since week 1 has said they had your vote and you've been nommed twice because your shady as fuck and Liberty literally has not trusted you for weeks and we talk so of course first chance she gets she's gonna want your lying as up, its like Day said to Nicole on BB18 if somebody lies on you, your gonna shake it off and laugh but the bigger reaction you give the bigger the tell, You thought i was gonna be your little puppet side project and your just mad because your shit got called out. and im not grouchy im smiling and blessed and highly favored boo, your the one cussing and exposing yourself like a little 12 year old who lost a video game.

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:06:18

Hei literally said I have Elliots vote for sure do i have yours and i said verbatim i like Peter let me talk around and Hei said okay Elliot is one of my locked, but its cute how you brought that up to paint a narrative that is a projection of what you do.

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:08:22

Since week 1? Were you even here week 1? That’s not true and the people in the prejury chat can even say that. Hell, somebody who KNOWS I evicted them is still in this game. We barely even fucking talked this entire game and you think I wanted you to be some puppet? Babe open your EYES. We all know you’re a puppet but not for me. You aren’t slick

How am I exposing myself? By stating that it was clear you lied to me about who told you to nominate me? You chose somebody who hasn’t been online just yet AND even went out of your way to try and quote something Liberty supposedly said when she doesn’t even talk like that. It’s not my fault I can follow context clues and understand when something isn’t true

Speaking of, Poison Ivy your name also got dropped to me by Zuko. Did you tell him to nominate me? Because that’s sure as hell what he told me and I don’t believe it for a second

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:09:41

um no i didn't tell him to nom you??? why would you tell her that??
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:10:15

Him* but exactly. Moving on Zuko 🤣

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:11:40

oh help i meant him 😭 , but zuko why did you say that???

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:16:46

lmao your such a fucking liar, i said Liberty yes but i never even mentioned Ivy name to you i went out of my way to tell Ivy i wasn't putting her up because we haven't talked but i think its weak to nom somebody for lack of talking since i do it too, and Elliot before today you said "Nobody would expect for us to work together so we can have something under the radar because i need numbers on my side because jury is coming up" and you also told me people have told you im inactive so you told me to talk around more and be more social because all your allies dont know me and think im sketch so we talked way more then your making it seem ofc now that im on the block your gonna try and distance yourself from what you've told me but you literally are trying to build an army for jury because you have your hand in so many cookie jars. And using the pre-jury chat for your argument means nothing, all those people Mulan Mike Hei BP have all listed you as somebody who had they felt locked with when asking for my vote your the common theme every vote..why is that? Go off though Dr.Will

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:18:57

and for somebody like me who is inactive as hell like you claim you sure talk a lot of hot shit about your fellow housemates to me

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:20:37

Do you want to know the best part about these forum games?

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:21:51

Zuko wrote:
Hey Elliot congrats on winning veto, i know this is suicide for my game exposing the people who told me to put you up but you def deserve the truth and if i leave i respect you as a competitor to tell you the truth but Ivy and Liberty were the main ones telling me you'd be a good person to go otb, Liberty said a lot of people told her you have a lot of deals so me and her would have a better chance to stay if one of us got off the block and Ivy confirmed it when i asked her hence why i didn't put her up, initially i was gonna do ivy but she told me "if i tell you whose been pushing your name would you keep me safe" so i kind of fell into what she said because she said you told people im an easy nom since im Mia a lot

Zuko wrote:
I should have went with my initial instinct and put her up but i felt vulnerable being nommed and i kind of cracked and didn't fact check enough so im sorry and i understand whatever happens i can't blame you because i nommed you but if theres any coming back from this im open to it but if not i understand but still respect you none the same because you were on the block and killed that comp fr

Elliot Page wrote:
Zuko I mean this in the nicest way but Liberty doesn’t even know she’s nominated yet 💀 that was clearly a lie

Zuko wrote:
She does, she messaged me "this is some bullshit" right away and was talking to me she just was afk for veto

Zuko wrote:
We had a whole convo about how she was pissed with Meg

Elliot Page wrote:
I’m not an idiot Zuko. Please do not take me as one

Zuko wrote:
And i have no need to lie im not scared to put anybody up tbh, if i wanted you gone id say that she literally said " you need to do something that would ensure that we both stay with this twist i think Elliot would go because people have said he has deals all over the house so we can get votes on him bc were close" Just because she didn't talk on thread doesn't mean we dont have one on ones

Elliot Page wrote:
She doesn’t talk like that 😭

Zuko wrote:
Elliot you dont intimidate me at all if i wanted you up id put you up, you can vote me if you want but im not gonna kiss your ass for your vote and if i stay at this point i would put you up because liberty spilled a lot of people feel safe with you and think they have your trust so it probably IS a good idea to vote me out because if i stay id nom you at this point

The quote feature lol

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:22:10

And just so everybody knows no tea no shade but i work and take care of my nephew so yes i am off a lot and come on whenever i can if anybody feels some type of way i am sorry I can't be like Elliot and sit on my ass making faceless alliances and meaningless bonds with you all 24/7 so if that's held against me so be it but when i am active im genuine with you all.

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:22:38

I'll gladly quote every single message we've ever written to each other, but don't lie to me and then try to backtrack it

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:23:24

you gotta be a real psycho path to fake messages for an Anon game, but if your willing to put that much effort into a game then you deserve to win and your luck i dont know how to use forum or else id having something back for your bitch ass

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:23:30

Elliot Page wrote:

Zuko wrote:
Hey Elliot congrats on winning veto, i know this is suicide for my game exposing the people who told me to put you up but you def deserve the truth and if i leave i respect you as a competitor to tell you the truth but Ivy and Liberty were the main ones telling me you'd be a good person to go otb, Liberty said a lot of people told her you have a lot of deals so me and her would have a better chance to stay if one of us got off the block and Ivy confirmed it when i asked her hence why i didn't put her up, initially i was gonna do ivy but she told me "if i tell you whose been pushing your name would you keep me safe" so i kind of fell into what she said because she said you told people im an easy nom since im Mia a lot

Zuko wrote:
I should have went with my initial instinct and put her up but i felt vulnerable being nommed and i kind of cracked and didn't fact check enough so im sorry and i understand whatever happens i can't blame you because i nommed you but if theres any coming back from this im open to it but if not i understand but still respect you none the same because you were on the block and killed that comp fr

Elliot Page wrote:
Zuko I mean this in the nicest way but Liberty doesn’t even know she’s nominated yet 💀 that was clearly a lie

Zuko wrote:
She does, she messaged me "this is some bullshit" right away and was talking to me she just was afk for veto

Zuko wrote:
We had a whole convo about how she was pissed with Meg

Elliot Page wrote:
I’m not an idiot Zuko. Please do not take me as one

Zuko wrote:
And i have no need to lie im not scared to put anybody up tbh, if i wanted you gone id say that she literally said " you need to do something that would ensure that we both stay with this twist i think Elliot would go because people have said he has deals all over the house so we can get votes on him bc were close" Just because she didn't talk on thread doesn't mean we dont have one on ones

Elliot Page wrote:
She doesn’t talk like that 😭

Zuko wrote:
Elliot you dont intimidate me at all if i wanted you up id put you up, you can vote me if you want but im not gonna kiss your ass for your vote and if i stay at this point i would put you up because liberty spilled a lot of people feel safe with you and think they have your trust so it probably IS a good idea to vote me out because if i stay id nom you at this point

The quote feature lol

oh????? hmmm interesting
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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:23:46

Psychopath is that one word or two?

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:24:30

Zuko wrote:
you gotta be a real psycho path to fake messages for an Anon game, but if your willing to put that much effort into a game then you deserve to win and your luck i dont know how to use forum or else id having something back for your bitch ass

Baby do you genuinely think I could make all those fake messages in what, 5 or so minutes? C'mon now. There's no denying you said those things
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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:24:43

Elliot you need to direct this energy to get the votes on me because if i stay your gone worry about that instead of spreading LIES (again)
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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:24:46

so why did you say i told you to nominate him? i see my name right there
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:25:05

Zuko wrote:
Psychopath is that one word or two?

It's one and psychopath. You're right on this message
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko   Eviction Ceremony #8 - Liberty Van Zandt VS Zuko EmptyWed 9 Mar - 0:26:09

Zuko wrote:
Elliot you need to direct this energy to get the votes on me because if i stay your gone worry about that instead of spreading LIES (again)

That's rich coming from you lmfao. I'm not going to go out of my way to campaign to get you out. Come for me if you want
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