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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:06:03

Did y'all see me "promise Justin safety"? I was playing dumb. I know damn well he's safe because of the villains twist but will I pretend for a little social capital? Yes. I also sent it right before I lost/won just in case.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:23:21

I'm DISTRAUGHT. I came up with such a good method to speedrun that, which gave me literally so much extra time to triple check my work, but I was just stressed about being first. And I know damn well Jake took his sweet time once I submitted just bc he knew I was already first. UGHHHHH

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:32:31

I have a feeling Steph saying "come on Mulan girl you know what to do" during the challenge will wind up... landing me on the block next to her. But then I remember that she's safe. So I'm the target if my gut is right. FUCK. MY. LIFE.

I should've cut a deal with Jake.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:40:49

Just finished a copious amount of notes on that competition. I'm gonna see what Justin said about the villains twist and see what other quotes are there. This has upped my threat level much more than I'm comfy with considering I fucking LOSSTTTT

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:59:11

I'm starting to feel overaligned. But I need to slow down, breathe, and read the cards. I do this every game. Trust ranking will be coming soon.

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:03:30

"Girl don't speak that into the atmosphere lol. He should leave u alone because u worked ur butt off and he had told me he didn't pick me because he wanted me to be eliminated, he just needed some names quick and saw that the 3 of ours first. So I' hoping he is telling the truth with that, but the speed at which he threw our names out is still alarming lol"

Brandy's game is pretty transparent. So you're close enough with Jake for him to directly COME WARN YOU about that HoH choice. He didn't tell me or (presumably) Stephanie.

She's really well-aligned and very social. And she's never seemed worried under ANY of these HoHs. She needs to slow down before I turn into Natalie from the Games lol bc she is a lot crazier than Mulan

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:05:13

Meanwhile, Meg is doing a lot of fake outrage. The princesses I most wanted at the end with me are gone... maybe the princesses thing is done and over too. Idk. We'll see. I'm not gonna TARGET them ofc but I feel no fake loyalty to them anymore. I'm trying to become a more independent player and not be so loyal to alliances all the time

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:13:53

Trust Ranking, 3/1
Lexi - I assume Lexi is CLIMBING in many people's trust rankings. She's playing the UTR game I wanted to play, but actually, is probably gonna get pegged for it pretty soon, leaving someone like Liberty or especially Cersei to take that spot. Very active in that girl's group and pretending to be very down for that alliance, which makes her a very similar player to me.
Stephanie - Just has given me more than the minimum amount to be an actual ally. She could be playing all sides and doing that with everyone, but with five weeks of safety, I think she can sit tight. Not playing it super UTR despite her safety, which is an interesting approach and I'd argue it's working.
Eliot - Has decided HE really likes me and that much is clear. I'm kinda frustrated ab that bc it goes into the overaligning, I wasn't particularly trying to build this into a STRONG relationship.
Megara - See above. I'm closer with Brandy but I think Meg would be easier to beat. Still very social and not to be underestimated.
Liberty - Middle-of-the-road for me, a good, social player. I hope it doesn't get back to her that I wanted her gone over Tiana, but I think she'll understand.
Brandy - See above. I love her, but I think she's playing really well.
Ivy - Either she's inactive, or doesn't particularly care to game with ME in particular. Not targeting each other for now. Not close either.
Peter - Thought of Peter last round how I think of Elliot this round. Def wants to be aligned with me but now I think it might be HIM leading ME on.
Thea Queen - Same as Peter. Disappeared. I really wanted to work with her if she can get more consistently active.
Zuko - Someone I WANTED to work with but lands at the bottom for the shallowness of our game talk. Would def feel betrayed if I nominated him, but would def cross my mind as an option.
Baby Plankton - Nice guy. I think HE thinks we're aligned or is pretending. Waiting to get a better read. Pretends to be inactive. I think this is an older (and by older I mean 21+ not that that is old, just not in school/college) member of the community with some experience under their belt.
Cersei - Not a target, just kinda there for me. I think she's playing a stronger game than people expect and should not be underestimated.
Heihei - Social, but with other people, so a threat.
Justin - My target as of rn but he doesn't need to know that so long as he's immune this round AND likely to win another HoH soon. Savvy player -- reasoning through that villain twist is interesting. Him claiming that he "picked the quote he knew" as if he doesn't have access to google. Just all very sus.
Mike - Of the two "nobodies" for me (Cersei and Mike), I see him as the smaller threat simply bc he doesn't seem to be TRYING to play that way, he just hasn't talked much to me. Liable to win a comp soon, but I've overaligned, so I'm gonna avoid strengthening this relationship.

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:16:07

There's def a gender divide happening this season LOL. I don't think it's intentional but I think honestly gender impacts how I think of a character in my head so it does make sense. Like what makes them threatening/not. I should work on that on like a psychological level but from a game perspective, it does make it easy to see where people stand.

Then again, it is in certain players' - Stephanie, Megara, Ivy - interest to hype up that divide. And honestly I think Steph might also be aligned with like Justin or Jake or one of those people. Maybe Peter. Just she has other people.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:18:57

Forgot to rank Jake lol which is funny considering everything. Def bottom of the list for me, and I'm not particularly in the mind to do the Justin fake-out with him of "I won't target you if I win". Not that kind of a player.

Time to go damage control because of the people I threw under the bus to him though.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:32:03

"He is so sick for that I can't. He told me I'm good tho so know u have my vote to stay if u remain on the block"

Brandy is just so..
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:33:36

Gonna go subtly work some magic against her to Stephanie without actually throwing her under the bus. Just planting a seed for weeks and weeks down the line.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 10:45:19

Gm! Doing notes and Rise & Shine and then gonna start making my campaign rounds.

Also just picked someone for veto. Apologies for misunderstanding that.

Jake could've avoided some heat by just saying he was nominating me for not talking enough to him. But this is annoying. He's trying to make it seem like a move when it's very much not. We've both been nominated already.

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 10:59:33

Fml. I just remembered today is Wednesday. I'm busy 7-9 on Wednesdays, I mentioned it in my apps.

My meeting 8-9 I might be able to glancce at my phone but I def can't solidly play in veto. So it is high time to campaign my ass off.

This sucks.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 11:06:56

Lexi ass is crazy lmfao I think that's Rae Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 1f62d Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 1f62d Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 1f62d
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 18:40:21

This just fucking sucks. So much. I honestly think I could be leaving bc of this whole thing.

My social game is pretty good though, and I don't think ppl have exactly pegged that yet. They might bc of the campaign period when they'll realize everyone wants me around. But it's absolutely sending me that Cersei offered to take me off the block when she was one of my noms if I won. I screamed and cried at those veto picks but I may have been premature. I think Peter might also be swayed to get me off that block.

Is that bc I don't think I'll stay if I stay up? Nah. I think it could go either way, and I'm not THAT worried ab it. I just know I'm overaligning bc of having to campaign and doing it AGAIN would really screw me up. I'd be completely unable to win an HoH bc I'd literally have no one to nom, and this season with the villains twist throwing HoHs until finals is not an option.

Best case for me -- come off the block and go MIA. Like literally stop talking to people for a bit. But with me not being able to play in veto that'll be tough
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 18:41:29

Also, if you noticed during my campaign - bluffed about picking Liberty for HG choice, bluffed about wanting Cersei to play for me in veto, and bluffed to Zuko about "us" having the votes. Three people I'm shaky on but feel kinda connected to -- bluffing to them so that they think I think we're super close and they'll keep me around not for relationship but for utility (I'm pretending to be useful to them).
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 18:44:54

Baby Plankton
Justin Russo
Jake Long

These are the ppl I think I could still nominate without getting yelled at. More than I thought. I need to calm DOWN

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 21:55:14

mari is definitely playing between the colorblindness accomodations and her taking breaks between rounds to play me back in imessage games Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 1f62d
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 21:55:34

like maybe she's a blogger or smth but this is hilarious i hope she's jake so i can target her
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 21:56:23

y'all don't have to worry ab me guessing ppl's identities btw lol if i find one of them actually out i would probably scream and cry and throw up lol oomfs who have done anonymous games know i care way too much ab that shit
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 0:05:28

Missed the cutoff for my trust ranking, ugh.

Also - "you can't edit/delete your vote" being said THIS ROUND SPECIFICALLY makes me worry about some form of villain twist.

Idc though.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 0:18:13

I joined the campaign talk way too late to have any significant impact on who goes home, which fucking sucks. I also was gonna try and lay low but.. this game is jsut not going my way which is so irritating. even if my social game is good enough that i'll be able to scrape by without all these princesses/ladies lunching people, i'm still annoyed that they're leaving back to back to back
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 0:27:26

Lexi Howard - Funny. So annoyed about everything. My kind of person. Not likely to get a foothold in this game anytime soon but will be indebted to me if she stays and will win comps and take the shot at Steph eventually if needed.
Elliot Page - Has my back well and truly. Close with Stephanie, so there's a good trio forming there.
Stephanie Beatriz - Wary of Stephanie being too good at pretending to be a hype person, but I do think she will actually protect me. I trust her.
Brandy Harrington - Dipped down in activity, and I think in social standing. Still consistently feels safe but less on my radar now. bigger fish to fry. Helps that I really like her.
Zuko - Strong working relationship. Quickly becoming one of my faves, just not one I'm invested in protecting.
Liberty Van Zandt - Went back to being inactive. I am not the Luncher that she feels closest to, but she's not after me.
Megara - Her answers are starting to give... fake. Either she's going with the house this vote hence the uncertainty on keeping Lexi, or she has other allegiances. I think she sounds fake nice all of a sudden and idk what changed for me. Maybe she's just too in character. Still like her though.
Peter Parker - Eh. We're good with each other. STILL waiting to get a read.
Cersei Lannister - We're both leading each OTHER on and it's glorious. Obviously was not as in danger as she pretended to be. Gonna win comps middle of the game out of nowhere. Just a gut feeling. It'll be good of me to continue what I have with her - a temporary truce between warring countries. Lol.
Poison Ivy - Semi active queen. Won't be after me anytime soon. Won't be protecting me either.
Thea Queen - Dropped this far in my ranking because after this week, I lost a lot of trust with her. She did not buy what I was saying. If she's smart she'll pretend to to campaign, but I think she thinks she doesn't need my vote. She's probably right.
Baby Plankton - Dipped off my radar again, which is fine.
Justin Russo - Target coming up. Working relationship for now. Feel how I did with Stephanie early on.
Mike Wazowski - Knows I would've nominated him. Would've done the same. Trying desperately to win some power in this game. Isn't happy with his UTR positioning. Could be a fun player to watch later.
Heihei - Whowho?
Jake Long - Annoying as hell. No social awareness. Stinks a little.

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to BBQ11!   Welcome to BBQ11! - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 0:27:43

^^ Trust ranking
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