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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 21:31:38

DAY 1 =

Heyyyyy betches! I’m back to slay (and eventually flop) again for all the best hosts in the world <3
Loving the Disney theme so much and so glad most of these characters stuck to it! Lowkey regretting my character choice after seeing some of the iconic ones, but then I found my profile pic and realized none of these betches will be able to compare. So it’s fine lol. And speaking of these betches, chile some of them are already dry as ALL fuck and giving snooze. I mean yeah it’s Day 1 and I was a little dry too, but I have to conceal my identity and try not to be the dazzling, entertaining, addicting Main Character that I am sksk.

And speaking of that, I’m not sure what my game plan is lol. I can’t go the loudmouth “leader” route of Doja Cat (even though she wasn’t a leader of anything ppl just assumed) because that would give me away and I’m not sure I want to do the beautiful dead driftwood floater thing again that was Miss Leta Lestrange. It might be time to reach into Hottie’s bag of boobs — I mean tricks, and make groups of 4. Might have to size up the cast and then start randomly pairing that together because I think that worked well … until I run into a psycho like Skeeter who got all fussy because I was trying to get them evicted even though we were allies. Or, I might try to replicate what Miss Angelica Schuyler (BBAfterlife for anyone that doesn’t know) did that got me to my highest placement of 4th place. That game was so fun because I was a loner that only logged on to win a comp, say something sassy, and then log out. Talking just one on one with people without groups did serve me well there, but you never know what you’re working with with this new crowd.

I hope this HOH is something easy because I do want to win just because it’s fun to be in control, but I can’t do my usual long speeches or scare/threaten these people *tear*. And I’ve had to basically reach out to almost everyone like damn can someone come talk to this betch first? I know y’all see these private rooms … then again most are newbies which I have to keep reminding myself of lol. Although, if I don’t win HOH I’m sure “tHe InAcTiVeS” will be nominated as usual which is boring to me, but I digress.

Also, I can already feel the alliances being started without me. They better watch out because they do not want these issues. Lowkey feel like being messy tomorrow and just going to random people and saying I've heard their name floating around and that people are after them lol. I don't know if they'd believe me, but it would be funny. I might have to cool it though. I am here to win this time! (yes I say this every time, but if I keep saying it it’s bound to happen eventually right? RIGHT?)

But my favorites so far are Stephanie because she responds to me and anything Encanto has my heart and Mike because he is giving off my chaotic vibes and knows the show I’m from so how can I resist?
Okay that’s all for now I’m sure this is over 100 words. Mwah!

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 21:56:27


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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 21:57:35

B-randy is the best? I agree, Pedro. I agree 💜

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 22:01:01

Jk I LOVE this already good luck

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 22:33:59

You're amazing as always

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 23:05:33

Ty 💜💜

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Pirate Ember

Pirate Ember

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySat 26 Feb - 10:24:18

I’m here to root Miss Brandy on just like Wendy did for me Thoughts 1f60d

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySat 26 Feb - 10:33:54


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Pirate Ember

Pirate Ember

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySat 26 Feb - 10:34:36

Heyy gorge <33 LOVE the character choice. A fuckin serve.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySat 26 Feb - 22:40:46

DAY 2 =

Okay, let’s get into it. So, it was a rather quiet day today, but we still got some good info. First off, the HOH. Lowkey mad that I won’t be winning that because safety until Round 5 sounds amazing, but it is what it is. I guess I’m okay with Stephanie getting it. She did seem quite eager and seems to be wanting to nom inactives, so as long as it’s not me I’m good. I’m intrigued by what being a “royal” or whatever it is means and can’t wait to find out.

I think I’ve reached out to everyone on the cast at this point and the only ones who haven’t responded to me are Olaf and Lexi Howard. Jake Long and Peter Parker might as well not respond to me because I just get this attitude from them every time they message me back like I know it’s not in my head, It’s this vibe like “Omg why is this bitch talking to me let me just send sumn back so she’ll shut up.” I bet they more responsive to other people. I got my eye on them. And the damn chicken just sends me a one or 2 word response so I’ll definitely cook his ass sooner than later.

Mike made a group today with me, him, Jake, Justin, and Elliot. I mean it’s a fine group for now or whatever. Just wish it had more cute ppl sksk. I definitely feel they are tight without me because Mike and I never discussed adding Jake so that lets me know those 2 got something going on. Tbh Mike definitely feels like his ass is talking to everyone. You can not trust someone with one eye … but I’m a dog that looks like a stripper so do I really have any room to judge?

Anyway, from my observations throughout the day when I was online and when I was not, I found Stephanie, Peter, and Justin especially usually be online a lot. And Jake is on hidden, so that’s something to keep in mind as they might have something going on. So need to keep a mental note of that.

Also, I forgot how much fun newbies are. Xander is definitely giving Kendrick Lamar. I love how he just randomly blurted out in public how he gets bad vibes from Poison Ivy. I wonder who he was supposed to be sending that to? He didn’t lie tho because I do feel like I get snooty vibes from her. And the fact he still doesn’t have a profile pic? Adorable sksk. And in our one-on-one he finally responded after I told him “Hi” yesterday and just said “Is anyone targeting me?” Like yes boo ppl think u inactive u better do sumn. And Mulan is just dumb sksk. I like that she was more talkative today, but she came to me talking about “Did you see the exchange between Xander and Stephanie in the HOH?” and I was lie what the hell is she talking about? Then I realized she must’ve thought Stephanie was responding to Xander and meant Ivy would get 0 FTC votes or whatever, so hopefully she makes up this imaginary rivalry with them and wants to go after them.

But anyway I have been going through and trying to pair ppl up for potential groups. I’m thinking of maybe doing 5 ppl instead of 4, but we’ll see. Cersei said she wants a group of bad bitches and Tiana said she’d love a group and Baby Plankton is nice to me so I definitely want to form something with him and he said he likes the chicken so I’ll probably have to include him, but we gonna make it work. I might wait until after the first eviction tho to see who’s left so it’ll be easier. At least 4 people are off the list for now that I have this first alliance.

Ew this post is so messy and disorganized, but I’m rushing so it’s fine eek.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySun 27 Feb - 23:05:50

DAY 3 =

Well today might as well be called the Day of Alliances because that’s what I spent all day working on and I think I’m good with them. I have one with just about everyone in the cast with not really any overlap. I think only Justin and Meg are the 2 that are in more than one group, but that’s okay for now. As long as I remain consistent I might be able to make this work. If I win HOH tho I don’t know what I’m going to do lol.

I will say Mike did raise my eyebrows earlier in our alliance with Elliot, Jake, and Justin talking about “Any names we want to push” to Stephanie. Like sir it’s Round 1 why the hell you trying to push stuff? Weirdo. And then he thought he had posted his trust list in public and I wish he had because that would have been hilarious and a nice throw back to Michael B. Jordan of BBQ7. Then he gonna tell me he had me at the top. BITCH YEAH RIGHT NO THE HELL YOU DIDN’T. I’m sure he ran to the rest of the ppl in our group and all his concubines on the side and told them the same thing. Just a damn lie. That’s why I lied right back to him and said he was on the top of mine too lol.

I like how my group hasn’t really talked with Zuko, Xander, and Mulan because I could sway them to my side … but I’m sad that Xander might be going home tear. He’s so confused and adorable. I just want to wrap him in a blanket and guide him around lol. He had asked me earlier “Do you know why everything is Disney?” LMAOOO pls. He needs to stick around. Olaf and Lexi need to hit the damn road because they just so useless.

I wish Thea ass had stayed up there so I could vote her out, but I’m sure she might’ve survived anyway. Boo. Tomato. Tomato. Stephanie is also giving off controlling/arrogant/annoying vibes like betch calm down you ain’t the queen of anything. Your safety won’t last forever and when it’s up lord knows I will GLADLY vote to make you an auto-nom lol. I hope she’s rubbing other people the wrong way so they feel the same. The only one who should be acting like royalty is me because I do it well. Tuh.

Anyways, I’m excited to see what tomorrow holds and hope I stay safe no matter what.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyMon 28 Feb - 23:47:18

DAY 4 =

So as expected, Xander and Olaf left today and I liked them both? Xander was adorable and Olaf shot to the top of my favorites when he told me after he was evicted that he thinks I should win for my pic alone lmaoo. Oh sweet snowman if only u had been a bit more active sooner things could’ve been different.

I think it’s funny that there already seem to be cracks in my first alliance with Mike, Justin, Jake, and Elliot. Mike thinks Justin and Elliot are a duo, which I can see, and I think Justin is a duo with almost everyone sksk. I appreciate that Mike comes off like a paranoid mess, but as long as he trusts me I have no problem with him.

HOH happens and I was already sick when I learned it would be puzzles lol. It’s funny I literally did the Sleepy one and had it sitting on my laptop for like 10 mins before a winner was announced because I didn’t think the key was there. I’m glad I didn’t submit tho because chile I did not need to win HOH pls. I have a little something with just about everyone except Thea and Lexi so I definitely would’ve been screwed. I am pissed Justin went after my princesses tho like sir can u not?? Lexi and Thea were right there. That’s quite telling to me because I find those 2 betches useless.

I was hoping Tiana or Mulan would win veto and we could hopefully save the other, but of course Mulan ass flopped before it started and Tiana ass picked the poisoned apple I’m SICK. I then would have liked Heihei to win so Justin would have to make a renom, but it wasn’t so. Mulan a whole mess lol. She talking about Heihei leaving is a given so should she try to get votes on Belle or Tiana. Miss gurl I think you leaving no matter what even tho I don’t want u to! Anyway, she and Tiana might try to cooridinate to get votes on Heihei and Belle so hopefully it works with a sliver of a chance. Belle ass definitely need to go. So hopefully one of my girls can stay.

Then Heihei ends up winning veto lmaoo. I hope Mulan didn’t start campaigning for him to go chile. I’m lowkey happy for the chicken because now it can be easier to try and save my girls hopefully. Lexi or Thea need to be the renom so we can get rid of them.

And then Liberty pops into our alliance room and says she is the renom. I’m shook! I easily see her staying, but lowkey want to vote her out lmaoo. However, she could be a useful tool to go after Justin. We shall see. Losing Mulan or Tiana would be sad tho, but I think one of them will be leaving. Lowkey glad that private room with me and the princesses hadn't been made yet because it would've been a waste lol.

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 0:43:19

Oop you don't want the room? I was about to make it after catching up on this

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 0:44:29

Yeah we don't need that one lol 💜
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 0:48:44

Are you up to date on all your rooms? I just made the last one

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 0:49:32

Yes thank u 💜💜
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:20:00

DAY 5 =

So, the eviction went as expected with Tiana and Belle leaving. I was surprised to see Tiana get one more vote than Belle to leave, but it is what it is. Even sicker Tiana lost that veto last night when she was doing so well. We cry. *tear* I was surprised to see Liberty get 1 vote and wish I had just thrown my vote on her for fun lol.

It was a rather quiet day for me just trying to talk and re-strengthen some bonds just in case these people win so they don’t nominate me. Except for Lexi and Thea. Thea is dry and boring as hell and Lexi barely responds to me and I know she don’t like me and would nominate me if given the chance. Which is fine because I would do the same. Especially now that we’re down to just 2 noms I can easily win and do the both of them and keep the rest of the people I’m working with happy. I swear this Lexi betch about to make me side with Miss Cassie.

Then the HOH comes. Chile when I saw what we had to do I just knew I was gonna flop lmao. But did I expect that nasty ass lizard to throw my name out first and with a hefty QUICKNESS? No the hell I did not. Then he gonna message me “Oh you know I didn’t say your name because I want you eliminated, I just needed some names quick and I knew you guys were playing”. BOY YOU ARE EVERY BIT OF A MOTHERFUCKING LIE. There were betches speaking way more than me in that thread but he just had to go with me. And sir aren’t we in an alliance? Shouldn’t u want me to stick around? Oh that’s right, u was trying to protect Heihei and Baby Plankton who u are clearly working with because u ain’t touch them and said u wanted me to be in alliance with them and, u, and Mike. I’m watching u sir.

But I mean I didn’t really want to win anyway so can I really be that mad? Also, that made people think he don’t like me and might nominate me, but my dumb ass is just running around “NO HE DIDN’T WANT ME ELIMINATED HE JUST WANTED A NAME”. I swear I talk to much lol. Everyone freaking out, like Cersei ass, and always asking are u nervous? U think u might be nominated? Etc.? And I have to pretend like I am even tho I’m not scared he gonna nominate me because we are in alliance and he wants me to be in another so he would be dumb as hell to come for me. I still am DONE with him tho for what he did in HOH because we all know it takes just the most MINISCULE thing to piss me off and want a bitch evicted sksk.

But I swear if he noms Mulan or Zuko I’m gonna lose it. Also, Baby Plankton and Heihei are just the most obvious duo it’s laughable. They time is coming tho. Hopefully these betches will just leave me alone and do all my dirty work for me. I definitely feel a schism is coming because everyone loves everyone and we’re all good together so a big storm is definitely brewing and I hope I can just slip under the radar.

Also, let us feast our eyes and enjoy this wonderful throwback to BBQ6. (I saw Bayleigh Dayton first and was like hold up why is she here? And then I saw Big Miss Steak and got excited lol):

Justin Bieber ft. Scrump wrote:
Suspect was caught fighting earthworms in Jason Genao's backyard. Doja Cat counted 4 webbed toes on the suspect as it sat down eating ice cream. Bayleigh Dayton was electrocuted suddenly as she held it's hand, it was a Big Miss Steak! Nick Jonas caught the suspect killing ants and then when Robbie Mercer broke the suspects arm playing Jenga, it regenerated its bones. Baby Yoda barfed on the suspect a strange orange and purple liquid that permanently changed it's antennae, face, body and tail into that weird pattern. Finally witnesses saw Nicki Minaj smack the suspect's green belly like a drum!

All my babies. Ugh the memories 💜 Except Jason can still choke for acting like he had to deal with a fake dead fish during Doja’s eviction sksk

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyWed 2 Mar - 23:31:35

DAY 6 =

You know, sometimes I think I just talk too damn much. Like why the hell am I out here during the damn day already fishing around trying to get Mulan to stay before veto is even played? I mean yeah it was to ppl that agreed and I do not talk to or like Lexi so why should I be shy about it? And I don’t care if Jake is targeting Mulan. Why the hell should I help him out and make his game easier? I don’t even like that man … but he don’t need to know what I was trying to do or that would cause problems lol.

Also, the little drama this morning from Mulan and Lexi toward Jake for noming them was a little funny. Miss Lexi didn’t have to delete the first 2 things she posted. Yeah I saw them gurl. She was talking about how he nominated them for being good at comps and how he should’ve nominated Heihei because he actually posted before Jake in that HOH and that’s true, but girl he working with that chicken so no surprise. I like how Jake lowkey showed where his loyalties lie during that HOH and will definitely be keeping an eye on that.

I was hoping and praying Mulan would win veto and was SO disgusted when it looked like Lexi would. But so glad she flopped Round 5 and tried to act dumb. Bitch u can read they already told u to just pay attention to the colors like bye. U had done Round 4 good and then wanna try and play confused. But Mulan won anyway and is safe so yasssss!

Apparently he will be nominating Thea and I’m annoyed because she might leave. I want Lexi GONE but idk if we can get 8 votes … but maybe Lexi staying could be good for me. If her ass don’t promise me the world, then she can go.

And Lexi just told me Peter said she was leaving and that Jake had told her he would use the veto on her if he won. Very interesting…

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 22:39:27

DAY 7 =

I just LOVE when things go my way! I won’t lie, I was initially nervous before HOH because I do feel there are people out there that would nom me given the chance. I mean it could just be my paranoia or a guilty conscience but this house is heading for a divide I can just feel it and I need to make sure these betches leave Brandy ALONE.

And I couldn’t be happier that Mike won HOH because I know good and well if there is one person in this house that wouldn’t nom me it was him. He even wanted to discuss the noms with me like UGH I don’t think I’ve had this good an ally who truly feels closest with me and loves me the most. I’m probably forgetting some ppl lol, but yeah. He says he wants to go for Megara and Liberty and that’s fine, but I just hope this isn’t like a reverse BBQ9 with the men going after the women. But Mike did mention potentially backdooring Jake so it’s probably not a gender war this time lol.

Side note, I could have easily won that HOH because as soon as I saw it I didn’t even need to read the paragraph to guess the quote because is there anything more iconic to Beauty and the Beast than “I WANT ADVENTURE IN THE GREAT WIDE SOMEHWERE! I WANT IT MORE THAN I CAN TELL!” That was literally the first thing to pop into my head, but I didn’t think it’d be that obvious lol. Glad I didn’t submit first because I have NO idea who I would’ve nominated. All I know is it would have screwed me.

He wants Liberty to go and I know Miss Cersei not gonna be happy with that. I want to support him but I want Megara out to weaken Peter’s ass. Then again if Liberty goes it could push Cersei closer to me. But then again again Cersei likes Megara and Liberty so either going would be bad for her and possibly push her closer to me. I do hope Liberty manages to win veto or have it used on her tho.

Oh and Lexi managed to stay this morning which is fine. I had no idea about anything Thea related so yeah haha. I hear Lexi is targeting the ppl that voted her out … but not Jake like sis make it make sense. Still don’t trust her ass, but as long as she is good with me we good. I like that Elliot was dumb enough to tell Lexi they were evicting her like pls if u not sure about the votes why would you do that? Njvfnsvsnv. That’s why I’m glad I waited until the morning. But I do like how much more I am communicating with Elliot tho. I don’t like how Zuko is targeting them tho, but it keeps me from having to target them so that’s fine.

Oh and I’m watching u Madam Mim. I ain’t forget about u betch!
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:52:44

No because the way I thought we had to search the forum to find Madam Mim as she might have a secret power or something so I just spent so much time doing that and am realizing someone might have already found her lmao. I hope that wasn't the point of her, but if it is I'm gonna be mad I didn't think of this sooner I can't!
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:54:05

Okay Scooby Doo

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:59:54

Not u trying to bring my cousin into this!

Thoughts -Dugau

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 4 Mar - 0:10:40

LMFAOOOOOOOO this probably isn't funny but it is sending me that Megara hits the block and all of a sudden coloring her words/text went right out the window with a QUICKNESS. Idk why this is tickling me so much but I can't stop giggling Thoughts 1f602 Thoughts 1f602

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptyFri 4 Mar - 22:25:44

DAY 8 =

Lol exactly what happened today is what expected to happen. Liberty came down with Steph using the veto on her, I had a feeling Steph would win the moment she was picked for veto, and Megara stayed up there. Sadly Mike renomed Mulan which is a waste to me because she is barely here chile. I was trying to tell him, and have told some ppl I think, that Megara and Peter are close so hopefully he don’t go running and tell Peter that lmaoo. That spider is gonna come for my ass.

Also, side note just to talk about how fun that veto looked! So true. The minds of y’all always impress me >>>

Anyway, I’m pretty postitive Mulan is already out the door, but we move on. At least it ain’t me. I hope Elliot or someone I feel really good with wins this next HOH. If not, might just have to do it myself. I feel there are a lot of people in this house who would have no problem throwing me on the block. And I am really debating if I want to overthrow Stephanie lol. She just be irritating me sometimes like sis can u just give me a bit more? But it’s fine for now…

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts   Thoughts EmptySat 5 Mar - 23:45:13

DAY 9 =

BYE I’M SCREWED SNJSNNDJC. I mean yes I liked Mulan and wanted her to stay, but did I think it was a possibility? No. Did I think by giving her and Stephanie and others hope that they could pull this off that they would actually try it? No lol. Did I vote Megara out thinking Mulan would stay? Yes and I am so pissed we were so close and flopped. However, I think most people believe that I voted out Mulan and I just need to keep them thinking that and I should be good! If not, at least Justin is screwed with me lol.

Idk if I want to win this HOH yet because we all know I can stay up late a bit and get lucky and win as I have with Hottie, Ariel, and Angelica, but I think I want Stephanie to win. Just for the laughs or someone else close to me to win.

Eww if Elliot wins, I remember Justin listing some of the villains and one of them was like “I’m not a rat!” so they suggested that might be a vote reveal and one of these betches (ELLIOT) might be dumb enough to do that and expose me and I WOULD BE SO SCREWED OMG I’M SCARED lmaooo.

But it is what it is. If these ppl have a problem with me, then they better bring it because I don’t go down without a fight. Tuh!

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