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 DR - Fleshed out thoughts

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

Join date : 2022-02-25
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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyFri 25 Feb - 22:30:05

Ok I think we’re off to an atleast half decent start here.

I think one of my bigger issues in my previous games was being way too cagey and general with people. I feel like that was leaving me in a hole where people didn’t feel that comfortable giving me too much information cause they didnt fully trust me so I’m taking more leaps of faith this time in giving out information in hoping that I get what I give. And in that sense it helps me know who I can trust because if I don’t get what I give with someone than that’s not gonna work out. But I’ve been able to have a few really good talks so far this evening I think the 3 most effective being Elliot Brandy and Mike. On top of that randomly got pulled into a 4 with Ivy Steph and Lexi so that’s nice to have although none of my convos with those 3 individually really matched the Elliot/Brandy/Mike convos. Myself and Heihei have also solidified a working relationship so I’m liking him. So far have only spoken to about half the cast but we still don’t have an HoH till tomorrow evening so I’m not too worried about it yet. I still plan to gun for first HoH if I can.

So that’s where I’m at rn. So far so good I think and throughout tomorrow I’ll try reaching out to more of the cast I haven’t gotten around too yet
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptySat 26 Feb - 22:15:47

Day 2 was a fun day for me

First of all, like I said in my quick thoughts thread definitely don't appreciate y'all sticking that auto nom on the first HoH like that. I guess I'll just go for HoH #2. In terms of my game positioning it seems to be looking up still. There's only about 4 people left I haven't spoken to (and most of them will probably be nominated this time tomorrow but more on that later).

Stephanie jumping up for this HoH was a really good scenario for me, she was one of the few people I actually discussed noms with using names before the competition happened so when she said she wanted it I knew I'd be safe 100%. We had the exact same idea for initial nominees (when we thought there would be only 2) which were Olaf and Xander, plus she also brought up Tiana and Belle who, since then I have actually been able to speak too but they've also might have gotten to Stephanie as well. Rn i'm confident in Xander and Olaf being likely nominations though. Perhaps I can try bringing up Zuko and Mulan to her tomorrow to see where she's at with those two. Glad to see one of my closest allies being HoH first, we already had that 4 and now according to what Elliot just told me there's seems to be a 6 in the works.

Speaking of Elliot he is also in 2 out of my 3 alliances (one is pending but I'm still counting it) and I feel like we are on the same page in a strategic sense so I think I'll be able to trust him for a while. Although I there is fear in me that Elliot would be a really good player and turn on me eventually so I'm keeping an eye on him but for now I think he is along with Stephanie the most valuable player to my game.

Overall feeling even better today than I did yesterday so let's hope this trend continues
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

Join date : 2022-02-25
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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptySun 27 Feb - 23:56:07

Day 3 ooo things are getting interestingggg

Like I mentioned earlier, that worry about being over aligned is definitely still relevant possibly more so as each day goes by but I still feel comfortable in going for the next HoH as of right now. I’ve got two seemingly very active alliances right now one of 5 and one of 6 so I think I’m in a good spot there.

Now where today took a turn for the interesting is when Steph decided to name Lexi as the replacement nominee. When she said in the 6 that’s what she was thinking I was really getting stressed out and was about to run to her 1 on 1 chat to try pushing Tiana but it was too late Lexi was already up. Now from what I had seen from Lexi (which wasn’t much) she was blunt and moves very quickly without much subtly. I feel like it was reasonable for me to worry about her blowing up the 4 made on day 1 because of those things but Stephanie wasn’t concerned at all. I did all this stressing just for Lexi to pop into my dms like nothing was wrong and ask about my vote

Thankfully I still made the decision to tell Elliot about that 4 which is one I think payed off almost immediately. They basically confirmed to me that I did have a good reason to be concerned cause Lexi is using the alliance in her campaign but thankfully, is seemingly leaving my name out of the equation so I don’t honestly have too much of a problem with it since I didn’t care too much about the 4 anyway. I think in doing this I’ve really solidified Elliot as my closest ally. There is one thing that worries me about them however and it’s that they seemingly get along great with damn near everyone. Elliot’s done a good job at making me feel like I’m his number 1 back but I wouldn’t be surprised if multiple people felt the same way as me about them. So a watchful eye will most definitely be kept on Elliot although for now I feel confident in them.

I think despite the mess about Lexi I’m still good to let Olaf and Xander get evicted here. Lexi proving to be a messy player is fine with me as long as she keeps her mess pointed away from me. But yeah today was definitely the most interesting day so far and I’m excited to see how it develops after the first 2 people are evicted
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyTue 1 Mar - 17:19:56

Day 5 post HoH reign whew

Considering I am pretty over aligned rn winning HoH especially with having to nominate 4 people was really risky for me but ultimately I’m happy with my decision to go for it because the positives I got out of it out weigh the possible negatives

Nomination Decision

3 noms were pretty easy, Belle, Tiana, Mulan are three people I’ve talked to but just not really in depth at all plus they were in none of my alliances. The 4th nomination came down to Heihei or Liberty as the only two other people I wasn’t in a named alliance with (technically I’m also not in one with Thea but before I had won she pitched an alliance chat with me her Steph and Elliot so it was basically pending). I hadn’t talked with Heihei in a while whereas me and Liberty were slowly getting closer and closer and I feel like Liberty would be more valuable to me because in comparison to atleast Heihei I don’t think Liberty is that close to too many people. So based on that I decided to nominated Heihei although it sucked having Stephanie and Elliot tell me how shocked Heihei was to be nominated. I was kinda shocked he was shocked considering it was a while since we spoke but regardless.

Damage Controlling the Chicken

So my means of trying to keep the relationship intact was to try and let him know that he was a pawn and that I would be campaigning to make sure he stays. That can only mean so much coming from me so I asked Elliot and Stephanie to vouch for me, weather or not they did I can’t know for sure but I feel confident they atleast put in a good word for me. Now I wanted Heihei to stay on the block maybe more so than any nom because I really wanted as much as my allies as possible to really drill it into him that I was fighting for his safety unfortunately that was kinda ruined when he won the veto

It’s Giving Cody Nickson 🥴

Of course I had to put up Liberty as the last remaining person in none of my named alliances. Like I fr can’t believe I had to nominate ALL 5 of those people wtf 😂. Thank god I won this HoH and not the next one or I’d be Oh Ver. Liberty thankfully seemed really understanding. Of course for all I know tho she’s planning my demise lol.

Some of these people trying to hard

I find it weird when people constantly refer to me as ‘king’ in regular conversation. The two people most guilty of this is Cersei and Baby Plankton. Like it feels like they’re doing that as a means of boosting my ego and it seems really obvious and transparent to me. Maybe they’re being genuine but it really doesn’t feel that way. It just seems like they’re really just going over the top trying to make me feel good with them 😂. But anyway, another one that was kinda doing the most yesterday was Zuko. He seemed overly emphatic about me not nominating him and was profusely thanking me up and down to the point to me where it again felt disingenuous. A lot of the times when people talk to me like that I really don’t know how to respond (this goes for weather they’re being genuine or not) so I was having a REALLY hard time writing Zuko back and was basically looking for an out to end the conversation asap

In conclusion

Me thinks my HoH reign was successful. I may have made a few people a little upset with me but in return my named alliances feel more secure with me, I was able to pick one of the easier villains off the board, i now have access to the power shop when I get to 2000 posts, and I got a shit ton of money for winning a comp. A definite win
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 33
Location : Waverly Place

DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:24:17

I'm starting to enter my high stress era

Am I just over thinking things?

I am the type of person both in game and in regular life that will naturally go through every possible situation in my head when / before doing something. Weather it's good or bad. And in both real life and game situations I tend to really go in depth on to worst case scenario but *just in-case* it were to occur I need to know how to manoeuvre my way out of it and get the least amount of damage done as possible. And I feel like that goes double in this game. I've been kinda freaking out over the chicken situation for a while now seemingly moreso than anyone else in that alliance, maybe I am more justified cause unlike them I've nominated him but I really feel like they've not been worried enough about that kskdl

And now I find myself in this situation again because I'm frightened about this vote out of no where. It is very important for my game that Thea stays, from my perspective she seemed a lot more active and talkative than Lexi was so I was surprised when both Megara and Cersei approached me saying they've talked to Lexi more and would like to keep her. Then I started getting worried that the Chicken has already started his uprising and it starts by getting Thea evicted right here. If Thea stays I'm freaking out over nothing. Again. if she goes home today I think I might be fucked ._.

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:29:18

Theodora liking this when she knows the votes is sick DR - Fleshed out thoughts 1f602

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Theodora Crain

Theodora Crain

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:31:18

LMAO just appreciating the DR's <33

Also as for the chicken situation, damage control was done on MY end as well to remedy my mistake with the room making, so hopefully that can put your mind at ease a bit! I apologize again though, because that was entirely my bad with clicking the wrong name.

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:34:44

Yeah for sure that helped a lot but still I can't ever know for sure so I just be in a 24/7 constant state of stressed which to be fair would likely be the case regardless if that happened or not cause I already didn't really fuck with the Chicken sldm;sdl DR - Fleshed out thoughts 1f605

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:36:38

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 11:37:21

I'm about to fade away lmao
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 13:46:41

Ok. I don’t know what else possibly could have happened here

My Theory

So only 4 voted to keep Thea, other than myself Elliot and Stephanie there should only be 1 more and I feel like multiple people atleast implied they were voting out Lexi. So I was thinking about it like, since I’m not a nominee, why would people feel the need to lie to me about where they’re voting? The only way that makes sense is if they think I’m super close to Thea and therefor can’t be trusted to not tell her. So what could I have done that has given people the impression that I’m close to Thea? Considering Elliot was also surprised by this vote, I’m assuming Stephanie might be too. Now for all I know I’ve been on the chickens ass for 3 days when he’s not doing anything but it seems way too coincidental to not be Heihei’s doing 😂

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 14:17:58

Both Elliot and Steph are saying they believe Heihei is vote #4 man I DON’T KNOW ANYMOREEEEE DR - Fleshed out thoughts 7787c710

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 3 Mar - 14:25:17


Steph and Elliot piss me off too. Like “I don’t wanna think too much into it” , “surprised but not mad” LIKE WE NEED TO BE MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS FRIENDS I FEEL LIKE IM GOING INSANE ALONE KDKSMDODMDM

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyFri 4 Mar - 23:45:50

Honestly I would actually kinda like to keep Mulan 😭

Even though I nominated her and despite that speech I actually think it wouldn’t be horrible to keep Mulan. Obviously she is a massive shield which would be great for me to keep those around plus she can win comps and start picking off some of my “allies” for me. Of course the issue here is that seemingly no one else is wanting to keep Mulan lol. Meg just seems WAY too insulated to be able to get the votes now which sucks, honestly people jumping at the seems so quick to want to save her make me feel like I need her out even more. If it were solely up to me I’d keep Mulan. But I just don’t see anyway I could possibly make that happen right now especially considering even my closest allies are dead set on evicting her. Sucks but, imma save my vote till later tonight incase something crazy happens
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptySat 5 Mar - 0:04:19

Ok now I have to navigate Mulan in a way where she doesn’t try to blow up my game on the way out lol
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyMon 7 Mar - 10:17:24

This Eviction

Now I don’t even know if my vote is a determining factor this week but I’ve been conflicted on this vote cause most my allies want Mike out but that does nothing for my game personally. The chicken apparently gave Elliot a bunch of $ before the eviction so if he leaves than Elliot won’t have to give it back which is good for me. Mike won’t nominate me he has a bunch of people he should be going after right now whereas I don’t know if the chicken would nominate me. So I’m thinking keep Mike, I don’t know if he has the votes to stay 100% but I’m hoping for the best

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyTue 8 Mar - 15:01:09

Bought me a white board with markers using my Olympic earnings. I’m Bout to have me some fun with this
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyTue 8 Mar - 15:26:09

DR - Fleshed out thoughts Aec9b510

So this is what the game looks like from my point of view right now. I’m likely way off but from what I see, I see this. I think Jake and Brandy are on 1 clear side of the fence and the other side being Cersei Meg and Stephanie to an extent. I know Megara is in the 4 heartthrobs and a dog alliance but I don’t think she’s that loyal to it. However if everyone else is that probably puts into perspective how good of a position she’s in right now. I have no way to confirm this but I do feel like Cersei and Meg are each other’s #1s. That just makes sense to me. Peter and Zuko are more undefined players but I think they lean onto Jake’s side of the house. Looking at this now again I think Brandy is in a much better spot than I originally pegged, I know she has ties to the other side that have been keeping her safe for a while. Liberty Lexi and Ivy are all big ?s to me, I know Liberty has a decent connection with Stephanie cause she’s expressed that to me multiple times now and I also feel like Lexi and Stephanie are good. Ivy can go either way if I’m being honest but right now I THINK she leans towards Stephanie’s side of the house but she can probably easily re align herself when she needs to
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyTue 8 Mar - 15:42:00

DR - Fleshed out thoughts 4e449a10

Also did some math and I think this is the max amount of money Steph can have rn assuming she hasn’t received any transfers which is very possible. She is an issue

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyWed 9 Mar - 10:28:14

I learned a LOT yesterday


I already figured Meg was in a really solid position but after this HoH reign and realizing how many people trusted her it really solidified it for me. Especially Jake for one being told from Meg that he’d never touch the block on her HoH reign came out of left field for me. I’m clearly also not the only one that didn’t see that relationship coming but more on that in a second. Now Jake is coming to me wanting to make another alliance with Meg and I’m realizing this girl is really about to make final 3, although I do see a couple outlets that can help me get rid of her. One would obviously be Liberty cause she was just nominated as her target, the other can be:


Now recent news surrounding Brandy is actually pretty funny to me. So to recap Jake comes to me saying Meg told him that Brandy was basically vouching for Jake and Elliot to go up. So now Jake is now “we can’t trust Brandy we can’t trust Brandy”. Pause. Y’ALL can’t trust Brandy. Because in the message I read, yeah Brandy pitched nominating Jake and Elliot but she also vouched for me lsmslswwlw. So that said to me that Brandy might actually have a good amount of loyalty towards me which I’m hoping is the case. So if I can use that information and turn it around on Meg I can definitely get Brandy to target Meg.
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyThu 10 Mar - 1:47:04

I find it interesting that when people are nominated in ORGS, especially late in the season, it’s immediately blamed on sed HoH ‘running the house’. For weeks those leaving have been trying to get a target on Stephanie because of all the HoH’s she’s winning but now all of the sudden Elliot’s running the game after 1 HoH reign? Make it make sense.

And I don’t want it to seem like I’m putting all this on brandy, a lot of people do this including myself and other people already this season, but I think it’s a method of shifting blame that most times comes subconsciously.

This next part took me a while to word correctly

As a nominee you’d much rather go down in flames calling out the ‘ruler of the house’ that’s definitely going to win even though it’s still final 11 and publicly discourage or shame those that are working with that individual at the moment because then it looks like you’re a victim of a boring house structure that’s not willing to shift instead of having to admit that you made mistake(s) somewhere in your game.

Again I don’t really blame any individual person of doing this as I’m probably guilty of it myself but it’s just kinda annoying how often it happens 😭.

Just had that on my mind idk if I made any sense at all but 😂
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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

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DR - Fleshed out thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR - Fleshed out thoughts   DR - Fleshed out thoughts EmptyWed 16 Mar - 23:11:04

While I don’t feel like this is utterly hopeless I don’t think it’s looking great.

I think I should realistically have Ivy and Jake on my side, I’m much more of an asset than Peter is to them I don’t see any reason why they’d wanna keep him around over me especially when they’re always gonna get nominated before he does.

I think my best bet is convincing Lexi to stick with me in the pretences that I’m going after Meg. I also used the fact that Peter is a goat to try and make it a point to say I’m probably set to get picked off in this game before she is whereas Peter will be sticking around for a while. It makes me feel very uneasy though that my game kinda hinges on Lexi
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