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 Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions

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PostSubject: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptyFri 25 Feb - 20:35:05

I’m gonna rank each of these bitches by the character they are playing as and why!

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 0:22:42

21. Xander Hastings

OOOHHH YOU ARE AN UGLY BITCH FOR THIS CHOICE....There is absolutely no taste in sight with you and I hope you seek help. Of all the people or characters in all the world that you could pick, you chose to be this overrated ugly ass basic bitch. There are literally a bunch of better choices from his season of survivor alone. Why couldn't you be Erika or Shan or Ricard or like literally anyone else. This is absolutely not a serve and I will be rooting for your demise, I am not sorry.

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions 7d961c57d001767245981e0e80215ae7aeee6a6e

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 0:28:14

20. Brandy Harrington

I'mma be honest I have no idea who the fuck this even is.... but they look like an annoying character eek sorry. Apparently they are from a show called Brandy and Mr. Whiskers....what the hell is that? Genuinely never heard of that in my whole life. I wonder if other people know who this character is? Maybe I'm just old and younger people will know them?

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions D2t8con-e3409ab2-8344-4200-96fc-d7c57c0f73d3.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhmM2UxZmJkLWIyMWEtNGFhOS1hZmU1LTcwMTJiYjhhNTk3OFwvZDJ0OGNvbi1lMzQwOWFiMi04MzQ0LTQyMDAtOTZmYy1kN2M1N2MwZjczZDMuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 0:32:55

19. Jake Long

I kinda hated this show when I was younger and barely ever watched it. I don't have much else to say. At least I know who this one is I guess. It's not that it's the worst choice ever, I just don't really like the show so therefore I don't really care that much at all for the character... I do wonder though if many people will know who this is? I feel like that show wasn't very popular and it's kinda old idk

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 0:38:46

18. Justin Russo

Listen... DAVID HENRIE IS FUGLY!!!!!! IDK how the hell people all had a crush on his ass but I never found him attractive. Sometimes I wonder if people just say they think he's cute because everyone else is saying it. I ain't trust him already, all these bitches in this game are already going to try to be flirting with him (ew) and he's gonna think he's slick. Alex and Max and even the parents and the little friend are better choices from this show in my opinion. I fully expect him to do well and I am gonna be annoyed by it I fear.

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 0:39:37

oh my sims is ready to play I will come back later

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:32:29

17. Zuko

This is another character that I consider to be heavily overrated by the fanbase of said show. I was never that into this character, then again I did watch this show when I was a preteen/teen and my mind is a little more open to liking villains of shows and stuff but I found him whiney and annoying in the show so when I found out he's a super popular character I will admit I was a little confused. Again, you could play as any character from this show and you pick Zuko? Just not a direction I would go in personally but hey maybe the people playing will enjoy it.

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:38:50

16. Stephanie Beatriz

I don't HATE this choice, but I would have preferred to see a character from the movie instead of someone that's the voice behind one of the characters. I feel like people won't connect to it as well and character choice can be important in your perception. Apparently she was also on Brooklyn 99 which I had absolutely not idea about because I never watched that show but maybe other people have and that's another thing they could know her from? IDK.. I just know that I feel kinda meh

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions Oh-no-stephanie-beatriz
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:43:58

15. Cersei Lannister

I'm kinda cringing at this choice not gonna lie. As I said, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of like the evil bitches in shows, they often annoy me and she is def one of the ones I am not a fan of. I can't help but think of other better characters from GoT that they could have picked like any of the Starks or something...but it's a fairly popular show and popular character so maybe people will be drawn to her...I'd personally instantly get bitchy vibes just from the character choice tho...idk why you would pick a bitch in love with her twin brother!! sdlkfjdklfs

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:48:49

14. Mike Wazowski

LMAO this choice is a tad funny to me, but there could have been cuter and better choices from Monsters Inc. Sully or Boo would have been cute choices too but like this one isn't terrible. At least I could expect everyone to know who this is. That's all I really gotta say on dat!

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:52:43

13. Tiana

This is certainly not a bad choice at all, I have just unfortunately never seen the Princess and the Frog so I don't really know any characteristics about this character or how much I like them in comparison to other Disney princesses, but I think I'm in the minority on that and most people have probably seen this one lmao.

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions Tiana-princess-tiana
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 11:57:17

12. Thea Queen

I actually really like this character, as someone who watched pretty much all of Arrow, I thought that she was one of the best characters on the show (however, I feel the bar was kind of low). I'd be drawn to her myself and think she probably a badass, but I'm not sure of how many people know who she is. I hope she is a badass tho!

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions 969828e17e71c589a083905609200637a5c8e3dd_hq

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:02:50

11. Elliot Page

This choice is one that I wouldn't say that I would expect to see but I'm pleasantly surprised! I think Elliot is a great choice in the fact that most people know who he is, not only for a lot of the great films and shows he has been in but also for what he stands for. I would be intrigued to interact with them

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions A46899d6580563e40c76cb94a3ff81db78375e16

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:08:19

10. Peter Parker

I won't like, I personally do think he is a TAD overrated but then again he is also one of my favorite characters in the MCU if I was forced to pick one myself. Everyone loves Peter tbh and it's a good character to pick when you consider how recent he Spider-Man movie is and how intensely popular it is. Plus, a lot of people are attracted to Tom Holland and all that...I personally don't find him to be that cute, but he is adorable. Plus if they wanted to they could make it Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker, which for some reason everyone thirsts after him too... again, I don't get it, but I can't deny that he has a huge following.

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:13:35

9. Liberty Van Zandt

DEGRASSIIIII!! I won't like I considered playing as Manny Santos many at times (I guess I can't really do that now that I've said that but I don't plan on playing games for a long time anyway SDKFJDSKLF). But honestly, you could pick a Degrassi character that I hate and I'd still probably rank it in the upper middle. I don't hate Liberty, but she isn't my favorite character on the show. Her relationship with JT was one of my favorite parts on the show...she was just a little bit too much of a know it all for me, but again, I still enjoyed her.

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions P98mTLI
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:17:26

8. Heihei

LOL this choice is cute and funny. I think the little pig from Moana would have been a good choice too, but I always found Heihei to be a cute little clumsy fuck slkfjdsfls I also think it's a good choice in that it makes them appear unthreatening. Like who is threatened by someone who is playing as a cross eyed chicken? That's what I mean when I say character choice can make ppl sometimes initially intimidated or not...he would appear approachable to me.

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions Hei-hei-moana

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:20:58

7. Olaf

Olaf is easily my favorite character from Frozen, which is arguably one of the most popular Disney movies of all not only am I sure everyone knows Frozen, but I'm sure everyone knows Olaf too. I do know some people that get annoyed by Olaf or characters that are just used as comic relief, but he is a cute and sweet character and just like Heihei he would appear harmless and approachable.

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:25:21

6. Baby Plankton

I will be real, I would have ranked them at like 14 if it was just straight up regular plankton. But it's BABY!!! IT JUST SO CUTEEEEE!! I' m a sucker for those cute little bitches. I'd just want to scoop him up and carry him around with me. I also find this to be one of the most unique character choices ever, I would never expect someone to pick this lmao

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions RDp
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:28:47

5. Poison Ivy

I'm not gonna lie, this seems a little high for a character that I barely know personally BUT MY BESTIE SOPHIA SPEAKS HIGHLY OF HA SO I JUST KNOW SHE A QUEEN!! I like the choice for being something that isn't necessarily something overrated or overdone. I'm not sure if people know the character well or not, but I don't think that should really matter for her since she gifs badass sexy vibes

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions 200

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:33:17

4. Belle

One of my favorite Disney princesses, a smart and compassionate queen. If I were being honest with myself I'd probably say she is the Disney Princess that is the most like me. Even though there are a couple of princesses that I like more than her, she is still a good one and a great choice since everyone knows who she is and a lot of people also like her.

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:37:34

3. Mulan

UGH SUCH A BADASS QUEEN. I'm so obsessed with Mulan, easily my favorite Disney movie!! Plus, I don't think I'm alone in that, a lot of people love Mulan and would be drawn to her! I feel like she would have been one of my choices for this game if I were playing. I hope she eats this game up!

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:39:53

2. Lexi Howard

OH QUEEN!!!!!!! Euphoria is the hottest show right now and Lexi is growing to be one of the most popular characters, so for that alone this is a wonderful choice! Plus, she's MY favorite on Euphoria and has been my PFP on twitter for a while now lmao! Rooting for you bitch!

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions Lexi-howard

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySat 26 Feb - 12:42:31

1. Megara

BITCHHH I TRIED TO BLOG AS HA!!! I have def had her in mind as a character to play, but I had already told people that she would be on my list so I could never actually do it lmao. She is one of the most underrated Disney characters imo and among my top favorites! She's just a queen, your honor!! If I were playing I would either be her or immediately align with her! I WANT HA TO WIN YASS

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions Meg-megara

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions   Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions EmptySun 27 Mar - 2:01:14

Eeyore wrote:
20. Brandy Harrington

I'mma be honest I have no idea who the fuck this even is.... but they look like an annoying character eek sorry. Apparently they are from a show called Brandy and Mr. Whiskers....what the hell is that? Genuinely never heard of that in my whole life. I wonder if other people know who this character is? Maybe I'm just old and younger people will know them?

Thoughts on Character Choices/First Impressions D2t8con-e3409ab2-8344-4200-96fc-d7c57c0f73d3.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhmM2UxZmJkLWIyMWEtNGFhOS1hZmU1LTcwMTJiYjhhNTk3OFwvZDJ0OGNvbi1lMzQwOWFiMi04MzQ0LTQyMDAtOTZmYy1kN2M1N2MwZjczZDMuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

Lmaooo help it is a very obscure show 😭
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