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 Night 4 Confessional

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Liberty Van Zandt

Liberty Van Zandt

Join date : 2022-02-25

Night 4 Confessional Empty
PostSubject: Night 4 Confessional   Night 4 Confessional EmptyMon 28 Feb - 23:25:00

(Night 4)

So I didn't compete today in the HOH comp- Harry Potter over everything

Ive been talking to a lot of people today and actually building deep connections with them. Like Peter Parker really surprised me in being such a genuine nice person. He went from being someone I didn't know where I stood with to being higher on my trust rankings and I feel like he feels the same about me.

The Bad Betches alliance has officially been made, love it but honestly don't know how Poison Ivy really feels about me. like yes we talked but not as much as I talked to the rest of them. I love love love Stephanie and Cersei they are my bitches deadass. Like Cersei comes to me with all the tea and I can seriously trust her a lot. Stephanie is just on my level with just life shit

Justin winning HOH is cool I guess. We talked about our dogs and shit so I feel like we connected on that and hopefully thats enough to keep me safe this week. I hope he wins veto and keeps noms the same. I don't know- talking to multiple people at the same time is confusing and a fucking lot.

Hopefully I'm doing a good job Smile

Peace Out Night 4 Confessional 270c
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