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 Night 3 Confessional

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Liberty Van Zandt

Liberty Van Zandt

Join date : 2022-02-25

Night 3 Confessional Empty
PostSubject: Night 3 Confessional   Night 3 Confessional EmptySun 27 Feb - 22:25:47

(Day 3)

Crazy ass day/night- Happy for my girl Stephanie for getting HOH she wanted it and she got it! Got approached by Cersei & Brandy tonight about an alliance with me, Cersei, Brandy, Stephanie, and Poison Ivy. Honestly I’m here for it but I’m not super close with poison, maybe because she isn’t really active a lot and I haven’t gotten to really bond with her but idk. All in all I’m here for an alliance. More people I can go to and feel that they have my back the better, and they seem like good competitors.

Stephanie then won the veto which good for her but then saves Thea. Now Thea messaged me and told me that Stephanie dm’d her earlier telling her that she was going up because she didn’t personally tell Stephanie that she was voting for her to win hoh. NOW Stephanie is saying she wants to get rid of guys and with the 2 people leaving this week this means Olaf & Xander are going which whatever but I feel like I’d personally rather get rid of Lexi & Belle. Belle I feel like is so fake idk why.

Anyways I honestly feel really good with Elliot, Cersei, Brandy, & Stephanie. Those are my main people. Also Mike Wazoski can fuck off, weird ass. Messaged him twice and he still didn’t respond. If I get hoh I’m putting his green ass up on the block. Period.

Peace out ✌🏽
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