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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Mar - 8:49:48

can jake like.. exit my dms maybe. suddenly all interested in me again. boy bye. trust i know the truth you hoe
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Mar - 17:19:41

turns out i’m going ice skating tonight lolz
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Mar - 20:52:40

aaaaand this marks the end of my only really active alliance lmfao
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Mar - 21:17:41

i’m literally so fucked in this game like.. idek what to do anymore 😭 idk how to fix it
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 2:22:40

i feel like i shouldn’t be shocked i missed a whole entire push to save mulan
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 13:20:51

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 13:26:01

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 13:28:04

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 13:31:15

as long as mulan doesn’t know for a fact i evicted her we should be ok..
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 13:36:46

mulan read me like a book bc i sure as hell was lying!
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Mar - 20:15:27

Diary Room - Page 3 8a056510

I literally have one bar this took ages to even load up. Stephanie’s eyes are so?! I couldnt even see this shit
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 8:18:19

no offense to stephanie but she should understand that she gets not only safety out of this (bc of the possibility of being overthrown), she also gets an hoh win and the tokens that come with it. if i’m dropping, i want it to be worth something. i get that she’s tired but she at least reaps benefits from this comp. i don’t want to sit here for over 12 hours and get nothing
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 9:11:57

my foot hurts bc of when i fell this morning lol
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 10:16:31

anyways i’m pissed off

i’m fairly certain that stephanie is calvin and i firmly believe that they know i’m me and probably assume i know they’re them. i could go on for another fucking 12 hours but instead calvin decided to want to sleep. it’s just annoying because we easily could’ve done this longer. there’s no reason you needed to go to bed this early for a date that’s late at night. there was other bribes that were coming but instead i didn’t want them pissed at me so i dropped. i’m genuinely just so annoyed
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Join date : 2022-02-02

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 10:34:21

At the end of the day, just treat this game as if you know nobody. People cannot be upset at you if you make a move that benefits your gameplay just because they expect you to jump through hoops for them. I’m not confirming or denying identities btw. Nobody can hold grudges against a game move where nobody is supposed to know or assume identities. I hope you have a better day Sad
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 10:38:04

see but they were going to be hoh either way and if they’re calvin or not i wasn’t abt to piss stephanie off when she already wasn’t in a good mood 💀💀 i have to pick my battles
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 10:49:44

kind of bored. do i go to sleep? i don’t really know

anyways im glad that stephanie won hoh. even though we were SUPPOSED to go as far as we could 🙄 like smh you woke up 30 mins before the hoh. how could u possibly be that tired 🙄🙄🙄 but she’s in power and can’t be overthrown, so i am cheering abt that yess

in terms of my positioning, i feel totally and utterly fucked LMFAOO. here’s my thing. i don’t like turning on people until they turn on me. it’s the way i play so that people can’t be bitter at me if they start the fight, yk? but now i’m going to have to start winning things in order to protect stephanie. and my issue is i’m in 2 active alliances.. TWO. i don’t feel good with a lot of this house and ik for a fact i’m in the middle at the absolute most for a majority of the people in.. which sucks. idk how to fix my positioning to where i can be safe and not have to win things, but i also am not positive on how to fix my positioning to where i have a core group and can instead just win competitions. literally either of those would be fine with me. either of them, yet right now, i can’t. fucking. do. either.

also another issue is my allies aren’t the same allies as my allie’s allies. that’s bad for me. i wanted megara to 100% stay against mulan, yet my allies wanted megara to go over mulan. this is bad bc i cant switch sides or else i’d be on the bottom, but i also cant stay on my side and continue doing what i’m doing

i just.. idrk what to do right now. i trust 4 people completely and the rest can just fuck off at this point

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 13:26:11

this power for this week is so fucking bad.. SO fucking bad

to speak on my positioning, idrk who i can trust. rn i trust megara, poison ivy, stephanie, justin, and liberty. just those 5. it would be a nice group and all to get going, however in order for that to happen, i’d need to get poison ivy to 1. talk to them all, 2. them all feel good with each other, and 3. make sure megara never finds out that any of them evicted her

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 14:05:54

god can this twist be over already? i think that poison ivy can be our saving grace in this game 

for starters, i don’t think she’s that well connected. i basically spewed so much shit to her that i think she trusts me. idrk who she’s with necessarily, BUT i do think that depending on who she thinks she might have in her corner, she could bring them over to ours

right now i see the sides as

side 1: cersei brandy jake mike heihei baby plankton

this side is actively against justin/me/stephanie and are trying to act with us. i don’t trust any of them anymore. i think this hoh and really being able to think about my positioning all night really helped. plus, baby plankton is just.. so.. fuckin.. shady. like cmon anf.. do u not think people compare notes? it’s not only yall who do

middle: peter zuko liberty lexi poison ivy megara

now i genuinely do believe peter isn’t on anybody’s radar. neither is zuko. liberty has been nominated by the other side AND stephanie used veto on her, so i’ll definitely talk to her later tonight and just say listen girl you’re getting played. poison ivy here is really good for me as i’m hoping that if she gets any tea, she can relay it back. it helps that brandy has been acting like poison ivy is a fuckin weirdo. i can use that to get poison ivy on our side. depending on who poison ivy is with, maybe we can get them. ALSO i firmly believe that side is playing into the lexi v stephanie feud. their goal is to make sure lexi stays in this game until stephanie is out so that stephanie always has a target. if i can talk to stephanie and lexi and get them to stop this feud and realize what the house is doing, i think that could work out v well

side 2: justin me stephanie

it’s a very small side and that’s why we need the numbers. assuming we can get poison ivy, that’ll place us at 4. if we can SOMEHOW get lexi or at the very LEAST get the feud to end, that puts us in a better position. if i can get into liberty’s head, that would also be ideal. megara i’m not entirely sure how i can get her on our side. i might have to go the brandy route again and say how brandy was dissing her

anyways, that should leave the sides

side 1: cersei brandy jake mike heihei baby plankton

they can all go

middle, side 1 leaning: i’m not sure
middle, neither side leaning: zuko, maybe peter. if not, he’d be side 1 leaning
middle, side 2 leaning: megara, liberty, lexi. some may be side 2

side 2: justin me stephanie poison ivy (+ anyone poison ivy can recruit to our side)
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 14:21:12

okay so i can talk / reach out to steph after the pov comp.. which means i can talk to her before the renom. that’s good
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 14:42:54

going back and re-reading my plans

i think it’s the only thing we can do at this point
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 18:08:34

i’m bored so i’m going to start writing out the messages i need to send out after i can start speaking again

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 18:27:36

idk if y’all want to read these or.. cause i’m sending them out anyway 💀

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 19:50:58

hm.. okay jake picking poison ivy might make it a bit harder to convince everyone i need to work with them 💀
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Mar - 21:53:44

can almost start my scheming yessss 

i altered every message i have pre written so that i don’t say names to anybody except for poison ivy and stephanie. right now they’re the only two i trust dropping names to

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