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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Diary Room - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyMon 28 Feb - 21:50:14

I didn’t want to tell Heihei that why the fuck did I tell Heihei that fuck
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyMon 28 Feb - 22:32:11

I have a quiz tomorrow that I need to study for (Stats 🙄🙄) and I need to do the review, so everything I say today will be just quick to get my entries done

In terms of the game.. I’m feeling like I’m fucked. Not fucked in a bad way just yet, but Yvonne fucked. I have no options. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Other words that mean zero. Ever since last night, I guess the other players who didn’t really talk to me decided to figure out how the forum worked and suddenly wanted to be all up in my dms. Normally this would be fine because I am used to the Yvonne gameplay and I can figure out how to get past it (like in BBEVO shoutout john), but with needing to win a competition for a power, I now have to bank on getting a veto win. What sucks most is I don’t see any allies giving up their coins to somebody who has less, which SUCKS. I don’t like making enemies out of people and would much rather have them make an enemy out of me first, but that also puts me in a position of risking myself to try and keep my management incase they make jury up. Either way, it’s just draining knowing that I’m in this position again. For this week, I’m hoping that Mulan and Heihei stay if nominations stay the same. Belle and Tiana are cute and all, but I don’t feel as good with them as I do Heihei and Mulan
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:11:00

Day Five - 3/1/22

One on Ones

Baby Plankton: I figured out who he is and I'm lowkey cackling at the fact that my relationship with him here is completely different from my relationship with him in a different game. Heyyyyyy Gingy <3 living for you yesss
Brandy Harrington: I don't trust this girlie
Cersei Lannister: Honestly, she's okay. I just believe she is overaligned
Jake Long: Okayyyy comp beast. I'm feeling good with a Jake HoH and I'm living for him asking the alliance what to do lmfao. Kind of reminds me of Dusty a bit
Justin Russo: Icon 10/10 I stan this man
Lexi Howard: Queen I'm sorry but she's a queen. Her little feud with Steph >>>
Liberty Van Zandt: Praying she doesn't go otb again. One of my fav allies
Megara: We've talked here and there and tbh I don't think she's that connected, but I could be wrong
Mike Wazowski: Honestly idk if we talked today
Mulan: I love her. If she does go otb, I hope she stays.. or well maybe not against Lexi that is
Peter Parker: Idt we have talked today?
Poison Ivy: She's alright I guess
Stephanie Beatriz: If this is who I think it is.. sneaky little bitch! No wonder they won HoH week 1
Thea Queen: Like her last name, she is a queen. Kind of an idiot for wanting to align with Stephanie though
Zuko: You're okay I guess


The Distributors: Another HoH win slayyyy... still wish Brandy wasn't in it

The Fatal Four: Kind of an inactive alliance

Side Characters: Power shift eek. That alliance is good for protection because a lot of them in there are good at comps


HoH - Jumba's Most Wanted: All because of a fucking tail.. UGH. Anyways it was cute ig but there was so much info. Always hated this type of comp in your game Posey

Reminders to Self

1. Just work on your notes tbh
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 6:22:35

just realized we had the extra tokens thing… at 6:22 am when it is due.. AT 6:22 FUCKING AM
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 13:23:21

realizing if i’m right abt my stephanie prediction they 100% know who i am
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 20:33:16

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Mar - 22:36:15

Day Six - 3/2/22

One on Ones

Baby Plankton: We didn't get to talk much today, but I'm still living for Baby Plankton!
Brandy Harrington: I still do not trust you. Like genuinely idk what it is about you but you just do not radiate loyal ally to me
Cersei Lannister: I still firmly believe you're overaligned, but I'm kind of living for our conversations
Heihei: This little fucker is so funny. I hope I can get to know him more after this game is over
Jake Long: I really wanna know who he is.. like I firmly believe that he is one of the other six vets (or five if we're counting myself to make it 5 other vets), so I'm trying to stay as close to him as I can
Justin Russo: We haven't talked all that much today, but I think he trusts me. I mean he's literally telling me about how he wants Heihei tf out (rest in peace Heihei I hope you win this feud)
Lexi Howard: If noms stay the same this week (which I doubt based off of how veto is going rn), I'd rather you leave now over Mulan
Megara: Our talk today.. she gets me. She truly does get me
Mike Wazowski: He needs to talk one on one more :/
Mulan: I think she's won the veto, but I'm typing this as it's going on, so I guess we'll know by the time I send this sjkdfsdk. Queen tho!
Peter Parker: Why doesn't he talk with me that much anymore :/
Poison Ivy: Talk more or leave pls
Stephanie Beatriz: My #1 currently. Our little f2 is so cute I'm living for it
Thea Queen: Still an idiot for trusting Stephanie sdjfsdfk like c'mon girl she nominated you.. anyways I like ha
Zuko: You're becoming more active which is good for you yesss


Only will be mentioning the latest one made

Panic! In the Forum: This was such a mess HELPPPP first the wrong person being added, and now the entire name change to relate to what happened sdfjsdkf plus Thea making it to align with Steph??!?! Like HELLO?!?!?!


Veto - Tikki Bah Bah Veto!: I'm so glad we got this type of competition out of the way early. I fucking suck at it

Reminders to Self

1. Again, just work on the notes
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Diary Room - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 10:00:20

pls i’m abt to be in the minority vote i fear lexi is staying 💀
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 12:21:52

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 14:18:49

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 16:00:04

Where did you guys find Lexi?! Who the fuck is this idiot?! She’s stupid
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 16:43:28


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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 17:24:32

I love Liberty and Stephanie and Justin and Heihei and Baby Plankton 😭😭😭 that’s it. Only them. The rest of them can rot atm
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 17:50:35

Elliot Page wrote:

What did she do? lmao I'm dying
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 17:53:25

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 17:53:49

I’m having it face checked by liberty rn to see if it’s true if she’s like actually after me but if she is and not after jake she’s a fucking idiot
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 17:56:25

fact checked wtf..
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 18:48:05

realizing i’m going ice skating late af on saturday uhm..
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 19:21:30

i’m so confused on the post counts rn.. and i’m also not in many alliances which i’m sure taking note of. i wonder how that all girls alliance is doing
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 19:55:25

yk i find it weird how mulan is suddenly ignoring me after being all up in my dms all the time asking for my vote and shit
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 20:20:51

Did that still count as participation..
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 20:42:59

I love Mike omfg I love him
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 21:25:11

the way i’m running with this feeling on the outs thing lmfaooo. brandy suddenly giving me information?? kind of shocked mike trusted me abt his noms and wanting to backdoor. i’m praying stephanie doesn’t tell others or i’m going to end up being said backdoor 💀💀 i trust meg, liberty, heihei, baby plankton, brandy, stephanie, justin, and mike right now

jake and lexi are 100% dead to me. dusty if u are jake, why couldn’t we have been ash and yelena Sad

time to work on other outside connections aka poison ivy bc mulan decided to be a bitch and ghost me

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 21:46:36

no bc why am i kind of annoyed with mulan like girl what happened ?? asking for my vote and shit and now all of a sudden it’s a ghost town when u have been responding to others ?? noted

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Mar - 21:46:51

anyways i think my talk with poison ivy went well. kind of like her

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