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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 16:05:46

let’s hope justin isn’t mad i’m keeping it. not like i can transfer it anyway
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 17:01:25

i think the worst part abt this week is i think i could’ve won the hoh if i realized powers didn’t expire at f9 and not f8 💀💀💀 like that’s actually so embarrassing for me
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 17:30:27

i’m in such a dilemma rn

basically jake i’m assuming would want me to use the veto on justin if i win, like no questions asked. my fear is the fact that ivy could be the renom if i were to do so. if ivy is, i think she might stay against cersei, but idk 😭 meg would be pissed at me next week, but it’s not like she can play in the hoh anyway

if i use on justin, i fear him wanting to keep cersei over whoever the renomination is

if i discard, i have both justin and jake mad at me

if i use, i have megara cersei and maybe lexi/ivy mad at me

i’d rather justin stay over cersei, but i don’t know if it’s worth pulling justin down for cersei to go. it would piss more people off to take him down than to leave him up there, but the people i feel are better at competitions are jake/justin
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 17:37:08

my next fear is the DPOV

meg got a cohoh which was $600. my guess is cersei gave her money. if lexi gave megara another 200.. plus whatever extra cersei had (which would be around 300 is my guess), plus if liberty pooled in money for anything

so that’s my main dilemma ugh
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 17:45:30

yo i’m ngl i’m so confused i totally thought meg / cersei were a duo and lib / lexi were a duo and that they were all working together in some capacity due to that fake megara backdoor
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 17:50:05

meg is in hot shit 💀💀💀
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 18:20:25

i’m “eating dinner rn” and cannot respond to megara!

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:37:11

idek what to do fuuuuuuck
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:37:23

this is why i feel like i’m playing a good but terrible game
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:43:28

if i win veto..

i discard-
mad at me: justin, jake, potentially cersei, potentially megara
not mad at me: lexi, ivy, peter, liberty

if i use on justin-
mad at me: megara, cersei, lexi, ivy, liberty, maybe peter
not mad at me: jake, justin

if i use on cersei (this isn’t happening at all but just so u can see where i’m at position wise)-
mad at me: jake, justin, ivy, lexi, liberty, peter
not mad at me: cersei, megara

this is why i feel like i can’t win it, but i also feel like if i don’t win it, i could very easily go up as a renomination by another power. for all ik, a dpov could easily be floating around and i could get screwed over by it

as of right now, i don’t think megara or jake would renominate me, but i really just don’t fucking know. megara’s renom sounds like ivy, jake’s would probably be lexi¿? i don’t think i should be scared of a renomination, but i DO think i should be scared of a power. i have one hell of a track record in terms of powers and being able to nominate people from them
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:54:52

i need justin to stay, so i’m hoping him or jake wins the veto. if justin doesn’t come off, i feel like he would leave..? maybe? i guess it depends. just right now it seems that way. i think i could convince peter to keep justin.. but i don’t think i could convince like lexi or liberty to, and that’s the hard part

justin right now is vital for my positioning in the game. i want to try and have megara/lexi/liberty going after justin/jake and vice versa. it’s the best scenario there. if justin leaves.. then i’m forced to join in on a side (i’d choose jake’s side) because it would be lexi/liberty/megara/cersei against *hopefully* ivy/peter/jake/myself. u can see the problem from a mile away.. jake and i are the only one good at competitions if that scenario were to play out
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:56:16

ivy did do well in that hoh last night though so maybe she was just throwing earlier
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 19:57:18

like.. i CANT DO ANYTHING without posting multiple people off
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:09:05

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:29:22

don’t get me wrong this was like best scenario for justin to come down but for me? IM SCARED AF
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:33:43

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:33:56

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:35:35

the post count is rising so fucking much and i’m getting nothing like i can’t take this
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:36:48

i think my biggest fear right now is like justin ratting on me to cersei
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:37:06

that’s the only thing i think that would fuck me over
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:41:58

i’m like actually abt to rip my hair out im so fucking scared
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:42:43

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:43:01

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 21:45:55

guys i fear i’m getting 9th
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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PostSubject: Re: Diary Room   Diary Room - Page 10 EmptySun 13 Mar - 22:19:58

fucking bitch lmfaoo
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