Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Join date : 2022-02-25

PostSubject: RANKINGS    RANKINGS  EmptySun 27 Feb - 22:55:58

ok so, so far i've been busy the last two days so it's been kinda hard to bond with people and get to know everyone well, but so far here are my rankings

stephanie, justin, lexi, thea, jake and milan are people i feel like i get a good vibe from and they might have my back down the road.

i get bad vibes from no one as of rn, but i do know that i do want xander gone bc he put a big red target on me when he mentioned me yesterday and i don't like that at all

(this wasn't really a ranking but i'll get better i promise)

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Join date : 2022-02-25

PostSubject: Re: RANKINGS    RANKINGS  EmptyFri 4 Mar - 20:18:07

been busy with mid terms so i haven't done my ranking recently but he we go

1. jake, i trust him idk why but i feel he won't target me
2. elliot, even though we weren't really talking at first then i started to talked to him more and actually had some game talk which has barely happened with anyone
3. heihei, i like them a lot and i enjoy our convos
4. mike, he's pretty nice so far
5. lexi, even though we don't talk much at all i feel like she wouldn't target me
6. justin
7. brandy
8. megara
9. stephanie, idk i trust her a little bit but she's a big threat
10. mulan
11. cersei , we're in a few alliances together but we don't talk much
12. liberty
13. baby plankton
14. peter, doesn't reach out to me and we just don't talk and he would be someone i would nominate if i won hoh.

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Join date : 2022-02-25

PostSubject: Re: RANKINGS    RANKINGS  EmptyFri 4 Mar - 20:19:52

oh forgot zuko. he's also with peter
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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Join date : 2022-02-25

PostSubject: Re: RANKINGS    RANKINGS  EmptyThu 10 Mar - 2:56:50


haven't done one in a while and since it's jury and i have had convos with everyone left i can finally make a decent one

1. elliot
2. jake
3. steph
4. lexi
5. meg
6. liberty
7. peter
8. cersei
9. brandy
10. justin

justin is very sneaky, he's clearly lying about his vote last round and trying to make it seem like he's not working with the other side, if i win hoh he's my target, we don't have a connection and he's a big threat and i need to start building my resume and i have dart board with his picture in the middle of it ready for attack.

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Join date : 2022-02-25

PostSubject: Re: RANKINGS    RANKINGS  EmptySun 13 Mar - 22:35:33

doing my rankings bc im PISSED

1. elliot, i trust him with my whole heart
2. peter, idk where he is at im the game but i feel like he wouldn't nominate me
3. jake, the same as with peter

4. justin, i did campaign for stephanie to stay so i know we have to rebuild shit and stuff but i trust him more than others.

5. liberty
6. cersei

i don't trust either of them necessarily, they would probably be my noms if i won

7.lexi, she's sneaky and i don't trust her, i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt bc of our alliances but she's proven she's only her for herself plus we don't even talk a lot so idk where she's at in this game.

8. megara- she's a liar, she's awful at this game, she was dumb asf to use that co hoh power bc she's fucking aligned with everyone and i don't trust her as far as i can throw her. i TRUSTED her and to hear she was saying my name really made me feel dumb bc i wasn't even thinking about nomming her, but if i win she WILL be one of my noms idgaf.
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