Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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 Trust Rankings

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySat 26 Feb - 22:39:33

DAY 2 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = I mean obvi I can only trust myself here.

2 = Mulan = Gurl how the hell is she up here??? Idk but I had a nice convo with her today and she seemed quite open to me so hopefully we can stick together.

3 = Justin Russo = Idk why he up here because I do feel he is talking to everyone and is always online, but he’s always quick to respond to me and Idk. I’d let him put me on a leash. Woof!

4 = Baby Plankton = He says he hasn’t gotten to talk with many people because he was working and stuff and I think we connected nicely for now, so I need to water this relationship so he stays close to me.

5 = Mike Wazowski = Oh betch I know your ass is talking to EVERYONE I can just feel it. But it’s better for him to stay on my good side for now and hopefully he has a use for me, but I’m gonna try to sabotage some plans or alliances we come up with hopefully.

6 = Zuko = We are both Avatar fans and only have like 4 posts between us for now I think, but damnit I like him so we gonna be good.

7 = Cersei Lannister = She seems all about strong women or whatever so I do feel somewhat good with her, but we need to chat more.

8 = Tiana = We chit and chat. She cute for now.

9 = Elliot Page = We say we have each other’s backs, but I just don’t like this character choice so I always have a look of disgust on my face behind the screen when talking to them like pls leave me alone

10 = Stephanie Beatriz = I like her, but Justin also said he talked with her and the way she went hard for this HOH I don’t know sumn is not right and I’m gonna find out what it is.

11 = Liberty = We talk a bit and I guess I feel fine with her for now

12 = Belle = I don’t even know why she’s here but here she is.

13 = Megara = She taught me how to color text so yay besties *barf*

14 = Poison Ivy = I feel like she got a damn attitude and don’t want to talk to me, but she’s a pretty betch so yeah

15 = Xander Hastings = I mean he is confused, but he is adorable. Besides he’ll be out the door soon I’m sure so it’s whatever. Hope he enjoyed his brief stay <3

16 = Thea Queen = She is just doing nothing for me

17 = Heihei = I mean he’s giving sketchy and I’m sure he’s more talkative with other people

18 = Peter Parker = I don’t like his nasty attitude

19 = Jake Long = I don’t like his nasty attitude

20 = Lexi Howard = Never responded to me

21 = Olaf = Never responded to me
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySun 27 Feb - 23:07:24

DAY 3 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = I will always put myself at the top of the pyramid.

2 = Zuko = MARRY ME lmaoooo. Ugh I love Zuko so much he just follows my lead and seems like such a great ally. I do feel he is on the outs with some people because he hasn’t reached out to them (when it’s a 2-way street and they could’ve reached out to him tuh) but that’s good for me because I have no problem taking the ppl on the outside and pulling them into me with welcome arms.

3 = Xander Hastings = PLSSSS SURVIVE THE BLOCK EVEN THO I’M SURE YOU’RE A GONER! Pls this man is just so adorable to me and he responds to me so yay. He also says he’s loyal so I’m sure he’d have my back as I’m probably one of the only people he talks to.

4 = Mulan = She seems on the outs with some people which is why she is on the in with me. I definitely think I can utilize her to my advantage. This is a plant I need to water (and keep away from Posion Ivy lol)

5 = Belle = I like her and hope she survives the block. She’s sweet and Plankton said she likes me so yeah.

6 = Baby Plankton = I like him. I only worry because of how much he likes Heihei and could see him choosing him over me, but that’s a worry for later.

7 = Tiana = I don’t know why she is up here because we barely talk, but she always seems enthusiastic when we do so it’s cool.

8 = Megara = Okay the coloring of the words all the time is starting to get annoying lmaooo. Girl chill. But she does seem open and like she likes me so I’ll rock with it for now, but I need to watch out for her. She did mention how she really likes Peter and Justin.

9 = Mike Wazowski = I still feel like he is another Justin that be trying to be in with everyone. Definitely keeping an eye on him.

10 = Liberty = I like her … do I trust her? No. No I don’t.

11 = Cersei = We don’t talk as much as I’d like, but I do like her energy when we do and her desire for Bad Betches to band together.

12 = Justin Russo = Now the thing about Mr. Justin is that he is ALWAYS around and everyone seems to like him which means he is a threat and will need to go sooner than later. I do not trust this man. Someone that’s good with everyone is someone that’s good with no one … (yeah I kinda described myself with that because I like to be good with everyone, but everything’s fine when I do it)

13 = HeiHei = Still just creepy to me.

14 = Elliot Page = Haven’t really talked with them much but we are in that one alliance but they starting to annoy me too lol.

15 = Poison Ivy = I don’t know where this girl is or what’s going on in her head but whatever.

16 = Peter Parker = He holds back SO MUCH from me I just feel it and still get the vibes that talking to me is a chore so fuck him.

17 = Jake Long = I still don’t talk to this man.

18 = Stephanie Beatriz = Yeah she kept me safe blah blah but her personality is starting to work my last nerve. The cockiness mixed with the dryness makes me want to slam my shoe against her face.

19 = Thea Queen = I mean yeah she talked to me and stuff but gurl I don’t care about you making chicken noodle soup I wish you would have left tonight lol. And you’re not Disney so YOU DON’T BELON HERE!!!

20 = Lexi Howard = Her ass needs to leave and fast. Haven’t heard from her but I did just giggle at the veto ceremony when she randomly popped in and said “HELP”

21 = Olaf = Haven’t heard from him. Don’t want to. Pretty sure he’s a goner.
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyMon 28 Feb - 23:45:54

DAY 4 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = As if anyone else is more important than me.

2 = Mike Wazowksi = You know what, he really made a good impression on me today. He confided in me about Cersei wanting a group with him and asked my opinion on things and yeah I appreciate that Mike. As long as he sticks with me, I love him.

3 = Zuko = Still my baby. He has been a little quiet today, but I need him to talk to more people so he don’t get nominated and he always calls me the best ally so love him 💜

4 = Mulan = Ugh I really like her. She seems like such a mess and I want to work with her. And clearly she doesn’t talk with many people which means she can be useful to me. But I feel like she about to hit the road lmao.

5 = Tiana = We chit chat here and there and I’ll be sad if she goes home, but I feel good with her because it seems a good number of people don’t talk to her like Justin and Cersei.

6 = Baby Plankton = He don’t be here much, but when he do I feel we do communicate well? I think he is closer to Heihei tho and I don’t like that so I wish I could break them up and get rid of Heihei, but I feel that bird might be surviving the block.

7 = Stephanie Beatriz = Yeah we have good convos and everything, but I feel like her ass is all over the place as well. And I’m jealous she gets to sit pretty until round 5 lol. I’m keeping an eye on her.

8 = Justin Russo = Yeah he kept me safe. Yeah we’re in 2 alliances, but I know he is in with EVERYONE. I can just feel it and Mike feels the same way. This man is a problem … but he is an asset for now.

9 = Poison Ivy = We are starting to communicate a little more when she shows up, but I still need more. The fact she wasn’t nominated was interesting which means she must talk to Justin well.

10 = Liberty = I feel she and Cersei are close. Something is fishy with her too that I can’t trust her.

11 = Cersei Lannister = I do NOT trust her. Mike came to me today and told me she wants an alliance with him, Liberty, and … someone else. I think Heihei? I don’t know. But I’m watching her. She is sneaky.

12 = Heihei = Chile can u calm down? He is always so damn excited, but I guess I’m good with him for now. I worry about how close he is with Plankton tho. If he stays on the block I’m sure he’ll have the best chance of surviving it because I’m sure he gets around.

13 = Megara = We didn’t chat much today. I don’t know if that’s on me or her, but I’m gonna blame her. Also feel she gets around as she says she loves Justin and Peter and Jake said she wanted to showmance him. I’m onto u sis. And her changing the color of her text is getting annoying lol.

14 = Peter Parker = Sumn is not right with this one. I don’t know if dry is just his personality, but I just always feel like he is holding back and don’t want to talk to me lmao. But can u really trust someone that spins webs all day?

15 = Jake Long = I don’t know if he is just quiet in general or what, but I feel he talks to others more than he talks to me. For example: PETER PARKER.

16 = Elliot Page = We are in an alliance, but we don’t really talk amongst ourselves.

17 = Belle = She has gone missing. Beast must have locked her ass back up or sumn.

18 = Thea Queen = I don’t talk to her.

19 = Lexi Howard = I don’t talk to her.
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyTue 1 Mar - 22:52:51

DAY 5 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = The cutest betch, but she also needs to shut up before she shoots herself in the foot.

2 = Mike Wazowski = You not what, I really am starting to like him. We do share a sense of humor and desire for sinister plans/drama. He does seem to tell me a lot so I’ll stick with him.

3 = Zuko = Still my baby and fav.

4 = Stephanie Beatriz = I can’t help it. I love her energy, even if it do annoy me sometimes, and she is the bad betch I usually like to be and I do feel she likes me so we good.

5 = Cersei Lannister = We have been talking a bit more and I do like the vibe I get from her and I do feel she trusts me so we good.

6 = Baby Plankton = He cute, but we barely talk. I hope he still got my back and we are probably about to be in 2 alliances together so it’s good.

7 = Mulan = I do like how much she tells me and how she seems to be out of the loop, but she went silent on me today since the eviction was posted so might need to dig a bit deeper with this one.

8 = Justin Russo = He is responsive with me and stuff and did not nominate me when he had the chance last night and we’re in 2 alliances so I do trust him … for now. I still feel he’s overaligned.

9 = Liberty Van Zandt = I wish she had went home that would’ve been funny lol. She is obvi talking to other ppl before me so it’s whatever.

10 = Megara = We barely talked in a while, but I think we have an understanding and are in alliance together.

11 = Poison Ivy = Gurl do u even be here? She just now spoke in our alliance group so idk if that means she be talking to other ppl. Gotta watch her.

12 = Peter Parker = It is sumn about him that just IRKS me I swear he do NOT be wanting to talk to me.

13 = Heihei = We may have an alliance, but we barely talk. Also his ass is close with Plankton and now Jake I assume so yeah gotta watch that.

14 = Elliot Page = I just feel nothing with them. We barely talk so I could easily see them throwing me on the block.

15 = Jake Long = Oh FUCK this bitch. How the hell u want me in 2 alliances with u, but u so quick to call my name out for the HOH?? I mean I didn’t want to win anyway, but still. Oh he better watch his scaly back.

16 = Thea Queen = Literally WHO ARE U??

17 = Lexi Howard = I do not like her. I do not talk to her. I know she would throw me on the block in a heartbeat and I would do the same.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyWed 2 Mar - 23:29:57

DAY 6 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = I mean my gawd betch can u shut up?? Stop trying to expose how u talk to so many ppl and already trying to get Mulan to stay before veto even happened like chill out before ppl literally start seeing through ur ass if they already don’t.

2 = Mike Wazowski = Ugh okay I do love him a lot and I do think I am one of his most trusted ppl because we do talk a lot. I just hope ppl don’t start putting us together because sometimes we be the only ppl online with a bunch of guests lol. These betches better leave us alone.

3 = Zuko = Forever and always the king of my heart even when we barely talk

4 = Cersei Lannister = Okay, I am liking her a lot more now and she talks to me a good bit and we discuss on things in the game so I feel good with her. She might have something with everyone in the house idk, but I like how she makes me feel special and I’m easily impressed so yeah. Queen 💜

5 = Stephanie Beatriz = Still cute. 2nd most person I talk with behind Mike I think, but I don’t like how it seems she is closer to Mulan. Definitely gonna have to watch that.

6 = Mulan = I like her. I do. She is every bit of a MESS, but sis I’m gonna need u to talk to me more. She does seem public enemy number 1 tho.

7 = Baby Plankton = He act like he not close with the chicken and I don’t believe that and he still be MIA, but I’m hoping he still feels good with me

8 = HeiHei = Yeah we might be in 2 alliances but we still don’t talk lol.

9 = Justin Russo = He is fading into the background for these rounds and thanks to his safety and we have 2 alliances together and he does respond to me so I hope he feels good with me even if I want someone to nominate him and get him evicted.

10 = Liberty Ban Zandt = She cute and we cool for now, but I just like others more than her.

11 = Megara = If she don’t stop coloring her words like gurl pls. She is responsive with me, but something about her just isn’t right…

12 = Peter Parker = He act like he like me and we are in an alliance, so I’ll stick with him for now, but I don’t trust him.

13 = Elliot Page = We still in that one alliance, but we don’t talk one-on-one so I definitely see them nominating me in the future.

14 = Poison Ivy = Gurl where the hell u be? I be seeing her around but hear crickets so she definitely working with other ppl.

15 = Jake Long = Still don’t trust him and want Mulan to stay to ruin his plans.

16 = Thea Queen = Still don’t talk to or like her.

17 = Lexi Howard = Still don’t talk to or like her. She so damn fake only coming to our one-on-one when she need something after she done ignored me since the last eviction like betch bye.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 22:37:55

DAY 7 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = Betch are u stupid?? Look what u done done! U think u good with everyone so now u scared to win a HOH. Do better. The Hotties and Angelica Schuylers of the forum game world are disappointed. Smh.

2 = Mike Wazowski = Daddy. King. Legend. Icon. Never dissed. Ugh his mind! His power. His love for Miss Brandy. He is everything … for now.

3 = Cersei Lannister = Okurrr I might be feeling miss gworl. I like how much we talk and always seem to be on the same page and get along, but I still feel she is much more social and in the know than she lets on. But as long as she loves me I love her.

4 = Elliot Page = Okay, I like how much Elliot and I talked today and need more. I like the tension that seems to be brewing between them and Jake so I might need to nurture that and make sure they feel good with me.

5 = Zuko = Still my baby. Still love him. But we need to chat a bit more.

6 = Baby Plankton = I still thinks he likes me we just need to talk a bit more.

7 = Stephanie Beatriz = I never know what goes on in her head.

8 = Justin Russo = We haven’t talked that much today, so I might need to work on that. Also like that he and Elliot voted in the minority to boot Lexi so they might not be as connected as I thought which means they might need me … but then again I still do think he talks to everyone.

9 = Megara = She do respond to me a good bit and we do have that alliance with Mulan now, but I still feel like she likes Peter and Justin over me and lowkey want to boot her out the door, but we’ll see lol.

10 = Liberty Van Zandt = She’s gone a bit quiet on me so I just hope that means she’s busy and not coming for me. Mike said he was going to nominate her and wanted her gone but I’m not sure I want that…

11 = Mulan = Girl I like u. I do. But I’m gonna need u to show up and talk with me a bit more. We do have an alliance with her and Megara tho so yeah.

12 = Jake Long = U think u slick, but u not. U think u the shit, but u not. Better watch ur step because I will destroy ur ass without a second thought!! But in all honesty I do think he trusts Mike and I more than Elliot and Justin, especially with our group with Baby Plankton and Heihei so tea.

13 = Lexi Howard = Um miss gurl don’t think I don’t have my eye on u and Jake. But as long as u go after the people who evicted u and leave me alone then we good.

14 = Heihei = Yes we are in 2 alliances together, but we just barely speak. They only log on to say one random ass basic excited line and disappear. U might as well just be logging in to say “Cluck Cluck!” and go on ur way. (ngl if I played as an animal that is definitely what I would do just to annoy ppl lol.)

15 = Peter Parker = I thought this before, but now I really believe he do not like or trust me. I just do not know with this man and I always feel I’m one message from him telling me “SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!” Like damn sir I’m sure u talk to Megara and Justin and others with more enthusiasm. Mmhmm.

16 = Poison Ivy = Girl bye. U dryer than the dirt ur nasty ass plants come from. Do better. Either ur ass is talking to everyone else or u really just be sitting online staring at the screen waiting for sumn to happen. I do not trust u.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 4 Mar - 22:24:39

DAY 8 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = It’s like she knows my mind!

2 = Mike Wazowski = He still tells me everything and wanted to discuss the renom with me so yeah that’s my little green ball.

3 = Elliot Page = Wow Elliot and I have really come a long way. I really enjoy talking with them and if I can get them to believe that I have no idea what’s going on in the house even better. They think the next round will be endurance and think they’ll have a good shot at winning and dividing the house and that’s fine with me. I have no problem doing it, but if I can keep my hands clean just a bit longer then we good.

4 = Cersei Lannister = My betch. We are close I feel, but I need us to be closer.

5 = Megara = Well she do talk to me frequently so I do need to try and place myself in her good graces more and the way I’m sure she is about to unanimously stay is interesting and I feel it isn’t just because Mulan is an inactive now. I’m cool with her for now tho.

6 = Baby Plankton = We just need to have one good convo I think and we’ll be good.

7 = Zuko = Still my baby. He be going a little quiet sometimes, but I still stand by him.

8 = Jake Long = I have no idea why he is up so far, but I might need to do some more talking with him to make sure that he stays good with me.

9 = Stephanie Beatriz = Lord can she get anymore dry? It’s like I have to pull stuff out of her.

10 = Liberty Van Zandt = She waits until she on the block to respond to me like girl bye. I wish she had stayed up there and left.

11 = Lexi Howard = Haven’t heard from her today, but that’s no surprise. And she seems to be with the girls so I should be good with her.

12 = Peter Parker = Still dry and dull

13 = Justin Russo = I do not like that I have to reach out to this man all the time. We gonna have issues if he doesn’t get it together.

14 = Heihei = We still do not talk, so I’m gonna blame him for that.

15 = Mulan = Girl I think u about to go out the door so … bye lol

16 = Poison Ivy = She gives me NOTHING, so I will be giving her the same.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySat 5 Mar - 23:42:18

DAY 9 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = Betch u are so screwed nxslcndcdls, but I still love u most always <3

2 = Mike Wazowski = We still communicate openly and well. But chile if he finds out I lied to him and was one of the reasons the flip almost came about he gonna murder me.

3 = Justin Russo = Justin has shot up here because we’re in the same boat. We both lied about voting out Mulan and are going to be screwed if it ever comes to light. However, the fact we did that and trusted each other enough to say that.

4 = Zuko = Still my baby. He was mia so I hope what he said was true and he isn’t ditching me. But I trust he isn’t.

5 = Cersei Lannister = My girl. I still feel like she talks to a lot of people, but I think I am a good source of trust for her right now. She do need to go soon tho. I hope she told the truth about not talking to Jake or whatever she he can hopefully get rid of her.

6 = Baby Plankton = Hmm he cute and everything and says he loves me and is quite open with me, but I have to watch how close he is with Cersei and possibly everyone else. Something’s not right about him.

7 = Stephanie Beatriz = Still like her, but I just get the vibe she don’t be wanting to talk to me. And trying to trick me into voting to save Mulan when she could’ve just asked me to do that makes me think she doesn’t trust me.

8 = Jake Long = He still be quiet as hell so hopefully he is that way with everyone and we are in 2 alliances so I need to nurture that and make sure I stay on his good side. He’s not a problem right now.

9 = Heihei = We still don’t talk much, but we do have that alliance and he did communicate with me about wanting to save Mulan so there could be something there.

10 = Liberty = Still forget u here some times girl pick it up!!!

11 = Peter Parker = Hmm jury is still out on this one. He didn’t seem very in the know about the flip to save Mulan so he could be on the outs of things so best to keep him close to me for now … I just hope he ain’t against me and I just get the feeling he is.

12 = Megara = Chile I hope she think I voted to save her vmdksvkpfmlda pls I do not trust her and need her out of here ASAP!

13 = Lexi Howard = Still a communication thing. We barely talk girl.

14 = Elliot Page = Chile fuck you all the way. Why the hell u telling Mike u think I voted out Megara but want to smile in my face betch. U r going down! (but of course if u want to keep me safe for this round u can)

15 = Poison Ivy = I talk with her ass the least and she will be an easy nom and I think I’ll be an easy nom for her. At least she’s only a threat to her damn self.
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySun 6 Mar - 23:50:07

DAY 10 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = Chile u do too much.

2 = Mike Wazowski = I LOVE U PLS STAY!!!

3 = Stephanie = She kept me safe but I hope she don’t hear I’m trying to save Mike so she can come for me.

4 = Cersei = Hmm I still like Miss gurl but something not right. I still feel she is closer to Baby P.

5 = Zuko = Still my baby but he be so quiet lately.

6 = Justin Russo = We need to talk more, but I am literally almost out of options lol.

7 = Megara = She says she likes me and trusts me so hopefully she means it.

8 = Peter Parker = I still feel he is on the outs, but it might be an act. He still too close with Meg.

9 = Baby Plankton = I love u, but u trying to get rid of Mike is not sitting right with me.

10 = Jake Long = U dry as hell and think u slick/sneaky. I’m onto u! U closer to Baby P and Heihei I already know.

11 = Lexi Howard = Girl gone. U just a bird.

12 = Elliot Page = Still don’t like or trust u!

13 = Liberty = We bout to have an issue. U after Mike and u was telling Meg I voted her out? Bitch bye.

14 = Heihei = Over u and want u to leave.

15 = Poison Ivy = Still don’t talk to u.
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyMon 7 Mar - 23:30:05

DAY 11 =


2 = Cersei Lannister = My sister. I feel we’re in the same boat so I need to stick with her.

3 = Zuko = Still my baby, but I’m starting to feel closer to other people than me.

4 = Stephanie Beatriz = She cute and she keeps me safe and she’s a huge target so yeah.

5 = Megara = She talks to me and seems like she wants to work with me so I’m with it for now.

6 = Heihei = Aww I’m gonna miss u.

7 = Peter Parker = I mean yeah he talk to me but I feel he closer with Meg and some of the boys.

8 = Justin Russo = Yeah we got our alliances but we barely talk.

9 = Elliot Page = FUCK U.

10 = Liberty Van Zandt = FUCK U.

11 = Lexi Howard = FUCK U.

12 = Jake Long = FUCK U.

13 = Poison Ivy = FUCK U.

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyTue 8 Mar - 23:49:37

DAY 12 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = Ur so pretty. Dumb as hell, but pretty.

2 = Zuko = My baby I luv u so much

3 = Cersei = My queen I hope she is okay.

4 = Stephanie Beatriz = She is so hilarious and I think I’m good with her so go off.


6 = Liberty Van Zandt = A damn ghost at this point.

7 = Justin Russo = I HATE U!

8 = Jake Long = I HATE U!

9 = Peter Parker = I HATE U!

10 = Elliot Page = I HATE U!

11 = Lexi Howard = I HATE U!

12 = Poison Ivy = I HATE U!
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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 10 Mar - 23:58:56

DAY 14 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = Bitch u better stay

2 = Cersei = Queen

3 = Stephanie = Queen

4 = Megara = Queen

5 = Lexi = Queen

6 = Liberty Van Zandt = Bitch u better keep me.

7 = Justin Russo = I HATE U!

8 = Jake Long = I HATE U!

9 = Peter Parker = I HATE U!

10 = Elliot Page = I HATE U!

11 = Poison Ivy = I HATE U!

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy Harrington

Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 11 Mar - 0:56:40

DAY 15 =

1 = Brandy Harrington = U r so pretty and smart if u don’t stay everyone else is obvi more jelly than we thot.

2 = Cersei Lannister = Literally my sister.

3 = Lexi Howard = Ugh I did not know I loved her so much and she had my back. A queen I fear I must stan. If she keeps me in this house I have no problem with her lol.

4 = Megara = We cliquing again so she cute … for now. But look at all the material left in the house. It’s not like I have a choice lmao.

5 = Stephanie Beatriz = idk something funny about her tbh. But as long as she supports me I love her.

6 = Liberty Van Zandt = Hmm idk about ole girl. I just really don’t know.

7 = Peter Parker = Bitch don’t come for me. I squish bugs.

8 = Justin Russo = The fakest fuck omg I can’t wait to nom him

9 = Jake Long = I can’t stand this bitch I swear.

10 = Poison Ivy = Just a bird like I thot.

11 = Elliot = Good lord can u leave already?

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