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PostSubject: Rankings   Rankings EmptyFri 25 Feb - 20:33:11

This is where I will be updating my rankings!! Keep in mind this is based off my limited view of everything and it’s based on how well I am thinking they’re doing, not necessarily who I am rooting for!

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptyMon 28 Feb - 21:46:28

Ranking #1/Day 4 (2/28/2022)

I planned to make this first ranking earlier but ran of out time this weekend. I'll be mentioning what I put for my boot order in the thread too, but this won't necessarily reflect that since it has been a couple of days.

21. Xander Hastings [-] - I had him as last on my boot order prediction for a reason. First, the character choice ain't it -- plus, he didn't seem all that active. To top it all off, he told the whole house he doesn't like Poison Ivy, so I'm assuming that was not intentional and he didn't know what he was posting where. Anyway, I'm a tad sad to see this messy icon go...the only two posts I saw from him gave beautiful sass.

20. Olaf [-4] - I guessed Olaf getting out in 16th, but for the most part I just thought that he was slightly active enough to last through the first round. I suppose that I was wrong on that and he was more inactive with the cast to such a degree that he was one of the first two booted. RIP Olaf, I thought you seemed like a cutie

19. Tiana [-] - I know she wasn't nominated last week but I feel like it's not a bad guess to think that she is a weak 2 boot. I don't have access to much but from what I CAN see, I don't think she's very active. If Justin decides to nominate her, I think she would be one of the two to go this week.

18. Mulan [-] - Just like what I said for Tiana, I feel the same about Mulan. I have seen her a smidge more than Tiana but not that much more and I don't get the impression that she's very active.

17. Belle [-] - I could see her continuously getting nominated, I see her active in public threads but she def gives off trying to get used to the forum and navigate everything vibes so I could see people kicking her to the curb either this week or the next

16. Lexi Howard [+4] - I was really honestly shocked she was not booted week one. I think her activity spiked a little after getting nominated but just like with Belle, I'm no sure if she will last much longer than a couple of weeks.

15. Zuko [-] - IDK, Zuko gives actual newbie trying to figure out the forum and I don't know if he is making any progress on that or going to be able to in time to make the necessary connections to stay safe.

14. Cersei Lannister [-] - Another one I can't get that much of a read one.. I think I've seen like 2-3 posts from her in public. I do get vibes she is more public in private chats in order to be safe for a little bit but I don't really know...just vibes

13. Mike Wazowski [-] - Almost the same thing I said for Cersei applies for Mike... I get vibes he is not that well connected in the game, guess we will see if I am wrong.

12. Liberty Van Zandt [-1] - Bumped down one spot just because I think Justin should be higher. I saw a decent amount of her in the beginning but already lowkey forgot about her since I haven't seen much.

11. Jake Long [-1] - I bumped him down just because I thought I should bump Justin up. He seems fairly active but based on character choice (which is silly I know) I don't know if he is in any strong alliances.

10. Justin Russo [+2] - I think a week 2 HoH is a good one to win, establish some bonds and some trust if he does it right. I also think that people could see him as a threat a lot easier than some other characters, simply for how likable the character is.

9. Stephanie Beatriz [-] - I find her very tricky to place. She is def a big threat but will people let her get to the end? Will she steam roll? I don't know. That's why I have her in the middle right now because I can't tell.

8. Thea Queen [-] - I'm not sure why she was nominated week one because I thought she was fairly active -- but Stephanie, the HoH, even took her off so I think that goes to show that she is active enough to be able to campaign well enough to come down.

7. Poison Ivy [-] - IDK what to say other than I think she serving queen and eventually I think people will see her as a threat and she will go around this spot.

6. Peter Parker [-] - He just seems super active to me, but I don't necessarily get winner vibes right now

5. Elliot Page [-] - I see Elliot as a big threat right now, but I'm not sure if that will be something that will get them out until late game. I think they make the final 7 easily but getting to the end wont be easy because at that point they will be a big threat.

4. Brandy Harrington [-]- I still hate that fucking profile picture, but she is also giving very active social player that won't emerge as a big threat until about the jury phase and they'll know they gotta get her out before the end.

3. Megara [-] - I don't actually know BUT im manifesting that this queen is eating up the social game and once the final 3 comes around and she is in it she either wins or is a robbed final 3 goddess. I just get robbed vibes from her for her future but...we will see

2. Heihei [-] - I realize as I'm writing this that Heihei was just nominated...FUCKING FAT. But I'm too lazy to go back and rearrange this to make him lower. I hope he stays anyway. I had thought he was one of the most active and likable from public posts. If he survives I could see him going far.

1. Baby Plankton [-] - Listen...they giving funny, social... they giving cute. I love this little character and I get vibes that people are just eating him up and his social game is good and he's underestimated...we shall see.

For a refresher this is what I submitted as my boot order prediction
1st - Baby Plankton
2nd - Heihei
3rd - Megara
4th - Brandy Harrington
5th - Elliot Page
6th - Peter Parker
7th - Poison Ivy
8th - Thea Queen
9th - Stephanie Beatriz
10th - Jake Long
11th - Liberty Van Zandt
12th- Justin Russo
13th - Mike Wazowski
14th - Cersei Lannister
15th - Zuko
16th - Olaf
17th - Belle
18th - Mulan
19th - Tiana
20th - Lexi Howard
21st - Xander Hastings

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 5 Mar - 14:13:51

Ranking #2/Day 9 (3/5/2022)

21. Xander Hastings [-]

20. Olaf [-]

19. Tiana [-] - She got out kind of where I expected her to. Just don't think she was active enough to make connections she needed to

18. Belle [-1]- She got out one eviction earlier than I expected, but I'm still not too surprised by that outcome anyway

17. Thea Queen [-9] - I guess she really was more inactive than I could really sense. I guess her nomination week 1 was an indication of that, but I really was surprised to see her get out before Lexi

16. Mulan [+2] - Mulan was giving main character there for a moment. Super sad to see her go, she was starting to last a lot longer than I thought she would.

15. Zuko [-] - I keep forgetting he is here TBH and I'm kind of surprised he hasn't been nominated yet lmao. I can't get a good read on his game at all...he will either continue to not be nominated at all or will start to be the new pawn now that a lot of the previous options have been evicted

14. Lexi Howard [+2] - I'm honestly so shook she is still here. I thought she would be gone week one and now look at where she is. Staying over Thea was also a shock. I hope she goes far but I'm not sure that will happen.

13. Liberty Van Zandt [-1] - This week was her second time being nominated. I feel like she probably has a decent amount of allies but obviously she is an option for some people as a nominee.

12. Cersei Lannister [+2] - This is another one I forget is here and don't have a good sense of her game at all...

11. Mike Wazowski [+2] - I just feel like they aren't in that great of a spot in the game, despite just getting hoh. I feel like getting out Mulan was serving other people more than himself and there were more powerful players for him to take a shot at

10. Poison Ivy [-3]  - Just like with Zuko and Cersei, I don't have a good idea of where she stands in this game. I think a few other people would be nominated before her though

9. Megara [-6]  - Girly was one vote away from going home. I had thought her social game was better than that but I don't think she will be a nom going into the next few weeks.

8. Heihei [-6]  - I think Justin is probably still after him, so that can't be good considering how I think Justin is one of the people in a power position in this game.

7. Brandy Harrington [-3]- I don't have a great sense at where she stands in the game but I get vibes that she has a good enough social game and isn't seen as big enough of a threat to be in trouble anytime soon

6. Baby Plankton [-5]  - Same thing that I just said about Brandy goes for BP

5. Jake Long [+6]- I wasn't sure what to think after his HoH, but while it wasn't exactly the strongest move on his part, I think that it was good enough to be able to slip into the background.

4. Stephanie Beatriz [+5] - I still think that she is the biggest threat in the game and everyone knows it but if they don't do something about it, she could easily win. I've seen it happen before where the obvious biggest threat doesn't get the boot because everyone is too scared to, so that could def happen

3. Justin Russo [+7] - IDK I just think everyone is crawling in his bootyhole

2. Peter Parker [+4] - As Elfo said in his blog, I think this kid is in with everyone. I think he talks a lot lmao

1. Elliot Page [+4]- IDK I just think that they are also probably in with everyone, I get the sense that he is playing a good social game and is one of the safest people in the game
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Join date : 2022-02-27

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 5 Mar - 14:32:41

I think everyone is waiting for a double to nom Stephanie. If this happens at the beginning of the jury phase she'll most likely be evicted imo. My guesses for her are 2nd or 3rd juror

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 5 Mar - 14:45:07

I placed her at 9th in my original boot order prediction because I just can't imagine them letting her get far enough to be a guaranteed player in every comp
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Join date : 2022-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 12 Mar - 4:13:27

Gonna update this after da eviction!

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Debbie Jellinsky

Debbie Jellinsky

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 12 Mar - 8:42:49

I love your rankings so much. So pretty. I could only dream.

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptySat 12 Mar - 13:13:45

Ranking #3/Day 16 (3/12/2022)

21. Xander Hastings [-]

20. Olaf [-]

19. Tiana [-]

18. Belle [-]

17. Thea Queen [-]

16. Mulan [-]

15. Mike Wazowski [-4]- I kind of had a feeling he could be in trouble after his HoH week, I just didn't anticipate it being so immediate like that.

14. Baby Plankton [-8]  - I was so sure that BP was a jury lock because I didn't think people would see them as big enough of a threat to make sure to get out before jury and I thought their social game would be enough to help them out...but it seems like he had a big part in making sure Mike left the previous week and I suppose that killed his game.

13. Heihei [-5]  - BOOOOO!!! I really thought they could have lasted a bit longer than a few of these other people, but having Stephanie on his ass for no reason really screwed him over.

12. Zuko [+3]- Due to his inactivity, I ranked him at 15 last time because I didn't really have any clue where he stood in the game and I just assumed his time was coming. He didn't disappoint in his effort to stay though.

11. Brandy Harrington [-4]- I think her secret HOH move had ultimately messed her up and led to her leaving at this point instead of later. If Mike/BP/Heihei hadn't been taken out in a row like that, I think Brandy would have had a better shot...but her numbers had been taken out and her fight against Stephanie/Elliot was a tough one to do in her position.

10. Stephanie Beatriz [-6]- I ranked her at 9th in my first ranking because I just knew that if this cast were smart they would not let her get too far in the game. I think her comp wins just made her out to be such a big threat and I'm not surprised to see this result.

9. Peter Parker [-8]- I'm not saying I necessarily think he is out next, but I don't think his winning probability is very high at all. He is either out soon or dragged to the end.

8. Poison Ivy [+2]- I pretty much have the same thing to say about her that I do about Peter. Both of them need to do something in order to emerge as potential winners because as of right now I see them being a casualty soon or dragged to the end

7. Jake Long [-2]- Jake keeps being nominated as an easy nom every week, just to be taken down for the HoH to execute their backdoor plan. This just tells me though that if things go wrong, many people aren't afraid to actually lose him anyway.

6. Liberty Van Zandt [+7]- Oh bad bitch! She's emerged as someone with the ability to win and execute a plan well. While this is a great move, I think she needs to be careful and if she finds herself on the block once more before the finale, I don't think they'd keep her.

5. Elliot Page [-4]- I still think he has a great chance to win, especially since everyone already recognizes him as a power player and I just think if he manages to get to the end at this point, he will deserve it. Losing Stephanie is kind of a blow to him a little bit, since from here on out I think it will be him and Justin against the house, since I don't think Peter and Ivy will be of much help to them. And if he does find himself up next to Justin, I believe he would go. But the path to the end is not impossible.

4. Justin Russo [-1]- I feel like if Justin makes it to the end, he probably beats anyone...maybe even Elliot, since I think his social game/jury management is better. I think he just might have a tougher time getting there.

3. Lexi Howard [+11] - I am so impressed by this bitch, I can't even tell you. I expected her to be gone in week one or two and here we are in the single digits. I think she has been able to navigate the social game pretty well and now with Stephanie gone, dare I say, she has comp abilities that could lead her to the end?? I think her path has been the most interesting to watch and I could totally see a case for her to win should she get to the end.

2. Cersei Lannister [+10]- I know I can't see much of her game, but I know better than anyone that what's going on behind the scenes is more important than what I can really see. As one of the last people to never be nominated and having people leave the game singing her praises, I am willing to bet that she is doing an amazing job socially and strategically. Comp wins aren't that important, until you actually need them, and she hasn't been in that position yet. I am questioning if she will be able to make it to the final 2 chairs, but if she does, I think she would have a good argument to win.

1. Megara[+8] - She used her HoH week so incredibly well and that showed me that she knows how to position herself within the middle. I think she's smart, social/likable, and could potentially win the comps to get her to the end so I'm seeing an overall triple threat and I'm not sure if anyone is after her right now.

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings   Rankings EmptyMon 14 Mar - 9:19:38

Not Megs game getting messy right after I sent this … we move

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