Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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 Good Bye Messages

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Join date : 2022-02-25
Location : Thebes

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PostSubject: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyFri 11 Mar - 13:36:14

Compilation of my good bye messages (I'll write some now if I missed them during the eviction). So y'all don't have to scroll through chats later <3

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Join date : 2022-02-25
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyFri 11 Mar - 13:51:11

Xander: We didn't really talk Sad Sorry your time was cut short. x

Olaf: We also didn't really talk. Sad Bye babes x

Belle: Robbed queen </3 I really wish you didn't leave. We could have slayed together.

Tiana: I wish we could have worked together in this game. I loved talking to you and wish you stayed.

Thea: I'm sorry I voted to evict you. We didn't talk game very much. You will be missed Queen.

Mulan: First, your eviction was the first one that hit hard. 1. because I was on the block next to you. and 2. because I genuinely enjoyed getting to know you and 3. we lost a strong and courageous female on our side. I'm glad we kept our time on the block together classy and I didn't want to campaign against you. You will be missed <3

Megara wrote:
Good riddance to Mike Wazowski! Sorry babes but you were talking too much shit. I honestly was going to keep you initially bc I believed you wanted to work with me. But Heihei told me the truth in his campaign. Then I woke up to hearing you spreading rumors I'm campaigning against you and that you'd nom me... Sweetie... should have kept your mouth shut
Sorry if that was rude in hindsight. I was upset that you nominated me and I almost went home when we didn't talk bc you didn't respond to me.

Megara wrote:
Baby Plankton. If you ever read this, I am so thankful to have met you in this game. You have been the most loyal ally to me, and helped me in my hardest moments. I will miss your sense of humor and your kindness. This game will not be the same without you. I'm getting revenge on the anon HOH for you! <3 Can't wait to meet you outside this forum, my robbed king xx


Megara wrote:

I'm so sorry you've been evicted. I've really enjoyed your presence in this house. You are so funny and you will be missed. I like you as a person, but tbh I didn't completely trust that you had my back moving forward. I know you were targeting Stephanie and not me. To be honest, Baby Plankton was a big part of why I kept you in the Mike vote. Without BP, I don't think you would have worked with me. I respected your honest this first vote, but this time, your campaigning felt off. I genuinely tried to help you out in the vote and let you know people are lying to you! I put out feelers to try to lowkey campaign for you, but the votes just weren't there. I really wanted you to stay over Peter bc he's more of a comp threat imo, but couldn't blow up my game just yet. Anyways, I really enjoyed playing with you and you played a great game! xx

Megara wrote:

I'm so sorry you're leaving. Initially when I put you up, I honestly only put you up as a pawn to get out Liberty bc nobody was targeting you. But when I told you to campaign to Elliot, I didn't mean start a fight in the living room! I actually hoped you would stay because I don't think I will be able to get out Justin or Elliot. Even though we didn't talk much, you brought the fire at the end. Good game xx  


Megara wrote:

QUEEEEEEEN!! Good Bye Messages 1f451 I am so incredibly sad to see you leave. The house lost a good one today. With you being evicted 4-4, that means either Liberty or Steph is not with us. And I can't figure out who. I'm so sorry I should have listened to you sooner. And I hope you can forgive me for being a stupid bitch. But I promise we will not let your eviction be in vain. We will fight hard for you.

Love you <3 💖

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Join date : 2022-02-25
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptySat 12 Mar - 13:35:16

Stephanie "Thee Comp Beast and Queen of BBQ11" Beatriz <3

Babes, I am so sorry that you are evicted. While I voted to evict you, I don't think you leaving right now right now was ideal for my game, but I would never get another chance. Whether you believe it or not, you are too big of a comp threat to stay any longer. I loved talking to you these past 2 weeks and will miss that moving forward. Which other random anon stranger on the internet am I going to dump my shitload of problems on now??? I just wish you were honest to me during the Brandy vote (and most of the votes tbh) instead of letting me get blindsided over and over. I don't know what your plan was to get to the end was, but I thought you were going to drag Liberty or Peter to the end for an easy win with the boys, and that was not good for my game. In the end, it literally took 4 people who actually hated each other to work together, a well timed and lucky pick twist, 2 close HOH/POV wins, 60% chance you didn't get picked for veto, and the 1/3 chance you didn't get a useful power to take down the Queen of BBQ11. You played a phenomenal game Stephanie, and if you were in F2 next to ANYONE else, you would win hands down.

I've had so much fun playing this game with you. I love you so much and can't wait to see you at Finale xx

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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyMon 14 Mar - 16:18:21

Elliot <3

If you're reading this, I'm so sorry. I had to backdoor you, because I am working closer with Cersei, Liberty, and Lexi. Getting blindsided by Stephanie during the Brandy vote opened my eyes that I would not be able to win this game with You, Stephanie, Justin, and Jake in this game. I don't know 100% if y'all were working together, but I could tell that I was playing for 5th. Our goal was to take out all of the comp threats, and unfortunately, I couldn't let our combined $2000 BBQ go to waste this week on Peter getting evicted. You were not the target, it was Jake and Justin, but unfortunately we couldn't keep them on the block, so you were next. I wish it didn't have to be me to make this move and that Lib or Lex could do it, but we couldn't expose our alliance like that. Especially when Jake made it so obvious on his targets. Game aside, I have enjoyed every moment we've played together in this game and will miss our chats. This was the hardest move for me because you were the closest person in this game to me after Cersei. I hope you can forgive me and understand that I am here to win, and to be the best, I have to beat the best. I respect the hell out of your game, and you could beat all of us at this point. I love you and hope we can talk soon xx
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyThu 17 Mar - 23:57:53

Justin <3

I'm sorry I had to vote you out. If it isn't clear, there is an alliance of Me, Cersei, Lexi, and Liberty and our goal was to take out all the big threats in the game so we had a chance at the end. While a lot of the game play messed with our chats, I truly enjoyed getting to know you as a person. Your social game is unmatched in this game, and I would appreciate any tips after this is over. I hope you can see from my perspective why it was so necessary for me to vote you out while we still had the votes. I am genuinely sorry to you and Elliot and Steph for turning on our original Side Characters alliance. I was 100% loyal in the beginning, but the Mulan vote really made me paranoid and I didn't know who to believe. With each eviction, I felt like a number rather than a member of the alliance and knew if I kept going with the our group, I would be playing for 7th or 8th. I had to flip so I could at least fight for a spot within the F4. I truly wish we could have worked together longer but Jake kept winning vetos </3. Anyways you played a phenomenal game and I've had a lot of fun competing with you xx
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyFri 18 Mar - 16:03:57


FINALLY. I swear you had 9384092384320 lives in this game. You have been the hardest person to keep on the block and you kept winning comps during the rounds where our alliance wanted you out. I respect the hell out of you as a competitor and know your journey has been difficult. You've been fighting each week and continue to impress us week after week with your combined social game and physical prowess. You have been an amazing competitor and brought a lot of excitement to this game. I've definitely lied to you sooooo many times and you've called me out on every single one lol. But to be fair, I wasn't trying to hide my lies (I wasn't going to admit to them in public!). My outrageous lies were part of my strategy to try to distract you from my alliance with Cersei, Liberty, and Lexi by focusing on something else. I'm sorry if any of my actions ever went too far. I did purposely start or engage in arguments with you and basically the rest of the house to make you think I was working alone when in reality Lexi, Lib, and Cersei were all feeding me info everyone told them. In another world we could have slayed this game together, but it just didn't work out this time. This game wouldn't have been the same without you, and I look forward to seeing who you are on the other side. x
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptySun 20 Mar - 14:09:52

Poison Ivy,

I'm so glad you're gone. I've had so much fun with our rivalry. I was 100000% lying to you about everything bc we weren't working together girl! Anyways, hope you enjoy jury with your besties!
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyWed 23 Mar - 15:34:55

Peter <3

Sweet Peter. ILY <3 You are an absolute ball of sunshine. I have enjoyed getting to know you during this game and wish we could have gone further. To be frank, if Lexi hadn't won veto, I would have kept you over her. I know it might have been smarter to keep you over Liberty from a comp win perspective, but she made a F2 deal with me. We'll see how that pans out. You played the best social game as evidenced by how much every person likes you. You've navigated this game expertly and managed to stay out of all the drama. You told me your goal was to make people happy, and you definitely accomplished that. You're a gem and I can't wait to meet you in person during the finale x
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptyThu 24 Mar - 23:20:45

Lexi <3

I really enjoyed playing this game with you. Through the ups and downs, we went through it all. I still consider you a friend and hope you do too. x

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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptySat 26 Mar - 12:08:22

I want to leave messages for Cersei and Liberty as well!

Liberty: I am so glad we were able to put our differences aside and dominate the second half of this game. We really pulled off the biggest blindside bc nobody thought we would be able to work together. I wish we were able to do this earlier bc ilysm <3 <3 You're an amazing person. And I can't wait to meet the real you tonight!
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PostSubject: Re: Good Bye Messages   Good Bye Messages EmptySat 26 Mar - 12:11:20

Cersei: I love you sooooo much! I know I wouldn't have survived this game without you. You're kind, funny, strong, smart, and most importantly, an amazing friend. I didn't imagine I would form this kind of friendship with a random stranger on a forum game. Thank you so much for listening to all my antics this past month. You already know how I feel so I'm going to keep this short. I can't wait to be besties outside of here! <3
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