Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:30:19

Bye Bye 😩
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:31:11

To Xander,

you are a literal flop and there was NO way you thought you could apply as that man and think you wouldn't be first boots???? Also didn't help that you came in and dragged Ivy immediately and then didn't message me at all 😭
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:32:01

To Olaf,

You messaged me a sweet message before you left, and I wish you got to stay a bit but it just didn't work out.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:33:17

To Belle,

We had like two conversations but you got put through the WRINGER. Like nominated 2 weeks in a row for what??? Wish you would've talked more so that people would've kept you a bit.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:36:25

To Tiana,

We didn't chat at all but I'll admit I did immediately go and evict you after saying I would keep you 😭



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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:37:58

To Thea Queen,

Girlllll I wanted you to go only because next to you. I wanted to work together but we were up on the block together and I feel you could've done well if you stayed another week. I hope you enjoyed ur boba 😍
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:39:45

To Mulan,

MULAN. BESTIE. WE COULD'VE BEEN THE IT GIRLS. The fact that I almost flipped the vote on Meg to keep you really makes me mad because I was only 1 away 😭. I fear we could've done some serious damage and you were the first person who went home that had an impact on me. I hope we can be mutuals outside of here.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:41:43

To Mike,

We also were working together, and I felt hurt that you got rid of my girl Mulan! You were a force on ur HOH and did pretty well!! I hope you can apply again and do this with the knowledge you have now bc I feel you would win.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:43:33

To Baby Plankton,

Girl I had ur back and you accused me of backstabbing you. You got taken out by the anonymous HOH and I was just thanking God that it wasn't me on that block. You caused chaos on ur eviction week, but other than that you were a little boring. Spice up ur messages more! it's always like "how are you 😍😍I love youI love you‼😍"
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:45:42

To Heihei,

I don't anything you did, but you had some cute moments, like winning that veto! Maybe tone down the chicken roleplay a tiny bit? But other than that, you're perfect!

Also I forgot to vote and would not have voted you out, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:47:08

To Zuko,

We were aligned tight for a bit!! I had to vote you out because I was in an alliance with Ivy, Elliot, Stephanie, and Liberty at the time. I wish you were with anybody else on the block bc I would've kept you! You were also so close to jury and I feel very bad u didn't make it </3
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySun 13 Mar - 23:59:43

To Brandy,

BRANDY GIRL. I disliked you from round 1 to round 6, but the last two rounds somehow you became my favorite. I literally fought DEMONS for you to stay and I got it to be a tie, and you could've stayed if we bought a power 😭. Anyways you leaving opened the door for Liberty to start trusting me more and led to the "Brandy's Bitchez" alliance that successfully ended Stephanie and got ur karma on Elliot. You deserved so much better.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptyMon 14 Mar - 0:02:34

To Stephanie,

You were too good! I was working with you even after you put me on the block. And then voted me out. but, I made it work for 6 rounds. Once Brandy left you were very silent to me, so I thought it would be the perfect idea to get you out. Yes I brought it up to Liberty, and yes I lied to your face. I lied because you had the tendency to blow shit up in the main chat and I wanted none of it! You made me mad I won't lie but in hindsight it IS all a game and you just won too many comps too early on. I know you've played before so maybe you can try once more? I think you can serve if you just throw a comp a couple times.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptyMon 14 Mar - 13:27:06

To Elliot,

Yes. you, me, and Ivy were working together and I tried to get you off the block for a little bit, but the opportunity kind of just fell into our lap here. I wanted to keep you, but at the expense of Cersei who I know would be a number for me, while you've voted me out.

So far, I've gotten karma on 2 out of the 4 people who voted me out and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. If I didn't send all of my money to Liberty, then she wouldn't have been able to buy the steal a vote, and gain the majority on you. Sorry it had to be like this but in my head, there was no possible way that I saw that you should've stayed over Cersei when you've won like four comps and she's won none, and you could've flipped on me.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptyFri 18 Mar - 13:38:49

To Justin,

You had a good run, but you kind of just were the pawn for three weeks in a row to get out the big targets, and when Jake got off with Ivy's veto you had to go. Sorry it couldn't have gone differently for you.
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptyFri 18 Mar - 13:51:34

To Jake,

We worked together for a bit but once I knew you were against me I wanted you out.

Then at the final 7 I actually thought it would be better to keep you because I was thinking of breaking up the girls, but it was too late because there wasn't a majority of votes to get to flip. But, you did play great and I'm so glad you left with such maturity!
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Lexi Howard

Lexi Howard

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 21
Location : East Highland

PostSubject: Re: GOODBYE MESSAGES   GOODBYE MESSAGES EmptySat 19 Mar - 17:03:11

To Poison Ivy,

girl we've had the bumpiest ride but I think I could've burned my own game trying to save you at the end. I'm sorry for evicting you bestie Elliot, but it's what was best for my game. I know you told be to watch Meg and Cersei but they haven't done anything wrong to me and if I evicted Cersei then Meg would've got rid of us quicker.

Sad we couldn't make it to the end together but the comps didn't work out in our favor
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