Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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 Special Thanks

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2022-02-02

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PostSubject: Special Thanks   Special Thanks EmptySun 27 Mar - 0:23:19

Special Thanks

I spent a good chunk of this evening thanking the cast, but I want to make sure I take some time to thank my wonderful team of hosts this season. It was an honour to host along side all of you. Every single one of you brought a different layer, a different element to the season. Josue, such a sweetheart, always there as a shoulder to lean on. He also has amazing visual taste & created some beautiful edits & challenges for the players. Slimm has such a magnetic & inviting personality. Pair that with his extraordinary creative mind, he brought some brand new challenges to BBQ & unleashed some evil villains on this game that made it a twist to remember. John has a fascinating brain when creating challenges. He has hosted some of my fave challenges in his series & we were lucky enough for him to bring some stellar competitions for the Houseguests & was great help on the technical side of the forum. Last but not least, Sophia, always so helpful & pleasant, she was amazing & always there to help each & every one of us during our rounds. Making sure everything stayed up to date & organized on top of hosting her own array of exciting challenges. Lucky to have her part of the crew. Lucky to have you all <3.

When I had to be basically MIA for a week, I knew this game was in good hands. Thank you from the bottom of my heart each & every one of you once again, it means a lot to me that you took my series to heart as much as I do & gave up so much time to help me host this amazing season.

Love you all xoxo

Pedro, Heihei, Jake Long, Stephanie Beatriz, Tiana, Brandy Harrington and Justin Russo like this post

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