Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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 Story Four

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Theodora Crain

Theodora Crain

Join date : 2022-02-02
Location : Hill House

Story Four Empty
PostSubject: Story Four   Story Four EmptyMon 21 Mar - 14:48:37

Escape Wonderland

The year is 2021 on the Mamanuca Islands and the 41st season of Survivor is currently being filmed. The game had been going on for about a week so the contestants were starting to feel the intense pressure of both the game and the harsh living conditions. We then see Xander Hastings and the rest of the Yase Tribe trying to relax before their next Challenge.

“I’m gonna take a walk, clear my head.” Said Xander.
“Fine, but be back quick. The challenge might start soon”, said his teammate David Voce.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it.” He said as he walked off.

As he was walking he discovered something strange. An animal he had never seen before on the island, or anywhere. He decided to follow it to see what it was, and what it was doing.

He was so focused on chasing down this creature that he had failed to notice the strange changes happening around him. The jungle of the island was starting to turn into a forest. He had no idea what was going on but persevered anyway as his curiosity was getting the better of him. When he caught up to the creature and picked it up, he finally had a chance to look around, and he was both shocked and amazed. He was in a magical world where nothing seemed to make sense. It was colorful, and there were creatures beyond his imagination.

“Oy, you there. Mind putting me down?” A mysterious voice asked.
“Who said that?” Asked Xander, startled and confused.
“The guy you're currently holding in your arms.”

Xander looked down to realize that this mystery animal was talking. “Who and what are you?” Xander said with fear in his voice.

“Oops, I’m terribly sorry. Time for an introduction. The name is Terrance Macintyre. I’m an Aardvark you see.” Said Terrance.
“An Aardvark? What is an Aardvark doing on an island in Fiji? Also, I’m Xander.”
“Fiji?” Said Terrance with a puzzled look on his face. “Do we look like we’re in Fiji?”
“I guess not, but we just were! Where are we?”
“Why are we in my home, wonderland!”

As he said that three creatures started running towards them. “Ah, here come my friends!” Said Terrance excited. “Guys, this is Xander. Xander, these are my friends. Brandy Harrington, Jake Long, and Mike Wazowski.”

“Nice to meet you!” Said all three in unison.

“So we have a dog, a green ball with one eye, and a kid. This is the weirdest day of my life.” Said Xander. Just then, Xander heard the faint sound of a cymbal in his ear. “Did you guys hear that?” Asked Xander. ‘It sounded like a cymbal.”

“A cymbal, don’t be silly, band practice doesn’t start for another 5 hours.” Said Mike.
“Yeah, now we are all going to have a nice lunch!” Said, Brandy. “Jake here made some noodles!”
“You should join us! You look so hungry.” Said Jake.
“I should probably get back to my tribe,” Said Xander. “But I am really hungry. I guess I could stay for a bit.”
“Hooray!” Screamed all 4.

As Xander sat down he heard the cymbal again, only a little louder this time. “There it is again! Where is that sound coming from?” Asked Xander.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s probably just your imagination. Said Terrance.
“I guess I have been on the island for a while, and this is a nice change of pace.”

As they all ate their noodles, Xander couldn’t help but feel as if something was wrong, but he was too distracted by the food since he hasn’t had real food in about a week.

“Hey, after this we're all gonna go frolic in the fields! Wanna come?” Asked Terrance
“Yeah… That sounds ‘positively delightful!’” Xander blurted out. “What the hell, why did I say that?”
“Wonderful, let us go then!”

As they carried on with their activities, Xander’s behavior continued to get stranger.e went from serious and confused, to happy and bubbly, and he couldn’t stop hearing that cymbal, it just kept getting louder. He was scared, he didn’t know what was happening to him, but he knew that he had to leave.

“Hey guys, this has been fun, but I seriously have to go now,” Xander said.
“What? You can’t go yet, you just got here!” Said, Jake
“I’ve been hanging out with you all day, I need to go!”
“Fine, but will you at least join us for the ceremony?” Asked Terrance.
“What Ceremony?”
“Why the daily wonderland festival, it happens every night!”
“Fine, but after that, I’m leaving”

As they entered the festival he noticed something strange, everyone was acting the exact same way, all giggly and bubbly, exactly as he had been. He felt something was wrong, but couldn’t stop himself from proceeding. As he sat down to watch he was absolutely mortified.

Once he said that he heard one final clash of the cymbal, the loudest one yet.

A whole year has passed since the mysterious disappearance of Xander Hastings from Survivor 41. Despite the controversy, Survivor was still allowed to air its 42nd season. That’s when new competitor Jonathan Young saw something strange and followed it into the jungle.

“Who the hell are you?” Asked Jonathan
“Why, my name is Alexander Hastingshire! What a pleasure it is to meet you!” Said, Alexander.
“Wait a minute, I know you! You’re the player from last season who disappeared! Come on, everyone is worried sick about you!”
“What’s the hurry! You just got here! Why don’t you sit down and relax? I have a fun day planned for us!
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