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 Trust Rankings

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 25 Feb - 20:38:56

This is where I will submit daily trust rankings of the cast. Sometimes there will be explanations, and sometimes there won’t be. It depends on how much time I have

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 25 Feb - 22:14:39

Day One - 2/25/22

1. Heihei: Based on my daily diary room entry for today, it should be obvious that I am putting Heihei in my number one spot. We hit it off right away and have already spoken upon us being a duo. I do feel like Heihei is somebody who is very social, so I think that can work out for me if they are a loyal player. I will gladly tell Heihei everything if they did the same back.
2. Stephanie Beatriz: I have Steph at number two, which also shouldn't be a shock. Steph is clearly a newbie, and I think her reaching out to me was perfect. I helped her where I could, and established a relationship. I have a lot of trust in her and I believe it is reciprocated.
3. Liberty Van Zandt: Just based on conversation, I have Liberty in the third position. She's giving me "I want to overalign" vibes, but I mean, hey, she would be a vote to keep me hopefully. She did interrogate me, but I'm going to take that as a sign of her wanting to work with me and just not knowing how to approach it correctly.
4. Justin Russo: Justin and I had a pretty intense conversation in terms of how we plan on playing this game lmfao. We both admitted to talking to others and that we base our trust off of vibes and that it's the easiest way to figure out who to work with. Right now, Justin is giving me good vibes.
5. Jake Long: Jake reached out to me first which I do like. I wouldn't say we talked much game and that him and Brandy are extremely close in terms of this ranking. I need to talk to him more for sure, but I do feel good with him right now
6. Brandy Harrington: She basically said a few words to me and then said she trusts me and has my back. For right now, I'm playing it safe and ranking her in the middle as she could be doing that with everyone.
7. Thea Queen: I reached out to her and asked where her character is from. I lied considering I did figure that she was most likely from DC, but it's whatever! I hope to get closer to her moving forward
8. Mike Wazowski: We're currently talking and I do get good vibes from Mike. I just think we need to have a game conversation at some point
9. Peter Parker: I talked with Peter while he was active, but it was only really like that getting to know you talk.
10. Megara: We talked a little, but not much. Compared to the rest, she just doesn't deserve to be higher.
11. Baby Plankton, Belle, Cersei Lannister, Lexi Howard, Mulan, Olaf, Poison Ivy, Tiana, Xander Hastings, Zuko: Talk to me or else y'all can GO!
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySat 26 Feb - 21:20:04

Day Two - 2/26/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Shouldn't be much of a shock, she's the person I've spoke the most with. She's one of the most honest players I've ever witnessed skdjfsjkd also what is up with these people coming from Discord..? I mean, I'm living for it. All the Discord games I've played, I've done extremely well in. Anyway, I got side tracked. She's genuine and straight up told me she doesn't like making deals which I appreciate. I already know her nominations which makes me feel like she does trust me a lot.
2. Heihei: Heihei moved down one just because we didn't really get to talk all that much today. Honestly, he can easily start falling down in my rankings if his activity continues where we struggle to talk.
3. Peter Parker: From 9th to 3rd, Peter is definitely going to be a good ally of mine, I can tell already. We both have each others best interest at heart, and by him saying he wants to make sure the alliance is safe, I can tell he's a loyal ally.
4. Justin Russo: Again, we're in the same position here. This allows us to just be open with each other (which we've been doing since yesterday), and it has created a strong bond between us
5. Mike Wazowski: Like Peter, he also wants to make sure the alliance's best interest is at heart. If I had to guess, his closest ally is most likely Justin. He's an interesting guy that's for sure.
6. Liberty Van Zandt: I just cannot follow her.. you know? I think she trusts me and I do have some trust in her, but I just have this off feeling about her
7. Megara: Kind of living for her eek. If I had to guess, she's a veteran. It only makes sense considering she's literally talking in blue. Not sure why she wouldn't go with purple tbh. Anyway, I think she trusts me and I trust her
8. Brandy Harrington: She's somebody I feel I can connect with, but is playing the Yvonne game. I don't see her trying to win anything, and instead just wants to be overaligned and overprotected. I still trust her though lmfaoo
9. Jake Long: We don't really talk much, but I do trust him. He's an interesting guy, what can I say
10. Thea Queen: We haven't really talked that much game, but she's kind of an icon if I'm being honest.
11. Cersei Lannister: Don't get me wrong, I am living for her and we've already discussed making an alliance, HOWEVER we only started talking today and due to that I want to give her more time before she can climb up in the rankings
12. Baby Plankton: Like Cersei, we only started talking today. Due to this, I want to give it time before I start ranking him high. His social game is somewhat good considering he's already in an alliance with me and about to be in another
13. Belle: I feel bad for ha because I think she's somewhat new to the forum, but we've talked a little bit
14. Poison Ivy: We've talked once
15. Tiana: We've talked once
16. Lexi Howard, Mulan, Olaf, Xander Hastings, Zuko: Talk to me or gtfo
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySun 27 Feb - 21:32:42

Day Three - 2/27/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Same as last
2. Justin Russo: Definitely moved up in the rankings. We are quite literally in THE same exact spot and we both realize it. We feel fucked lmfaoo
3. Liberty Van Zandt: Expressed that she trusts me a lot and tbh I trust her. Nobody really talks about ole girl so having her in my pocket is good
4. Thea Queen: Again, somebody who has expressed trust in me
5. Peter Parker: Still live for this man yess
6. Heihei: Kind of becoming inactive.. eek
7. Baby Plankton: I don't see him ever becoming my #1, but he has expressed wanting to become a duo and is not afraid to talk shit about other houseguests to me
8. Mike Wazowski: I believe he has our alliances best interest at heart
9. Megara: Queen queen queen LOVE her however I do feel as if we don't talk allll that much
10. Jake Long: Again, somebody I feel has my best interest at heart. We just don't talk that much
11. Brandy Harrington: I don't think we talked at all today lmfao
12. Cersei Lannister: Methinks she's well connected and not really going to be thought of as a target.. ever for a long time
13. Belle: Adore her, don't get me wrong. I just feel like we haven't connected all that much
14. Zuko: We just started talking today and I'm not entirely how I feel about him just yet
15. Poison Ivy: We haven't talked since yesterday
16. Tiana: We haven't talked since yesterday
17. Mulan: We've talked once
18. Lexi Howard, Olaf, Xander Hastings: Two of y'all about to leave but y'all need to learn how to talk to people fr..
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyMon 28 Feb - 22:44:29

Sorry, it’s going to be ugly Sad I need to study

1. Justin Russo: Lowkey he’s such a good fucking ally. I’m living for him. He tells me things, he can win competitions, overall a well rounded ally to have in this game
2. Liberty Van Zandt: She’s that ally you’re not in an alliance with but have a key bond with. This is perfect for me because I know my alliances are going to go to shit at some point
3. Heihei: He’s moving up again and I genuinely hope he stays. I do trust him a lot, and with him now having an enemy in Justin, if I can play my cards right, I can sit in the middle of the feud
4. Stephanie Beatriz: I trust her, don’t get me wrong, but it’s very challenging knowing that she is in everybody’s pussy at all times
5. Lexi Howard: Shocked anybody? Lexi is another key person I want to align myself closer with. Right now, I trust her. If I can get in the middle of the feud between her and Stephanie, that also allows me to position myself in a better spot
6. Mike Wazowski: Our bantering makes my day fr. We just go back and forth in alliances and then talk game in our one on one
7. Peter Parker: We haven’t talked much privately, but we both have our alliance’s best interest at heart
8. Thea Queen: Not sure where sista has been, but I’m living for her and I genuinely like her
9. Jake Long: Again, he has our alliance in his best interest
10. Mulan: Somebodh else who has moved up quite a bit today, I trust Mulan. I think she’s finally figuring this forum out, and I’m happy that she is. We could make good allies 
11. Baby Plankton: It’s a matter of me making new allies and trying to get myself between feuds as to why he’s so low right now. I still trust him a lot though and I like him
12. Megara: We didn’t really get to talk much today, but I have some trust in her
13. Cersei Lannister: I still believe she’s going to be playing somewhat of a Yvonne game and just be in the shadows (so not nearly as outspoken)
14. Brandy Harrington: I don’t really trust her and I think she’s going to play the floater game
15. Poison Ivy: We’ve started talking more but I know she’s closer with Justin and Stephanie
16. Belle: Where is she at? Lmao
17. Tiana: We don’t really talk game and I kind of hope she leaves. Sorry 😭
18. Zuko: Did you disappear too?
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyTue 1 Mar - 23:32:45

Day Five - 3/1/22

1. Baby Plankton: So maybe I am tripping here.. HOWEVER I firmly believe that Plankton is Anf. If he is playing the same way as he did in Afterlife, he tends to choose one ally to stick with. He's acting like that is me.. so hopefully?? Praying this won't be a mistake
2. Heihei: WE'RE MARRIED AHHH! No but I trust Heihei with my life kadfkjs
3. Stephanie Beatriz: No because originally I thought hm.. maybe the person playing Stephanie is Zuko, but after really thinking about it.. Calvin? I think this bitch is Calvin. The "cuz" is the sole reason. I wish that was a joke, but it's literally because of the "cuz." Calvin is the only bitch ik who says that. If I remember right, Calvin is a loyal ally, so they better be loyal to me wtf
4. Liberty Van Zandt: I love Liberty so much like that's one of my favorite bitches in this house
5. Lexi Howard: She told me about that alliance like yesterday or two days ago or three or whatever and idk if she's told anyone else (she probably has), but that still shows me a sign of trust
6. Justin Russo: Haven't really talked much today but I trust them still mhm
7. Jake Long: I completely forgot that Jake made a whole other alliance and wanted me in it.. like HOW DID I FORGET THAT? C'mon HoH king tho!! I really do like Jake
8. Mike Wazowski: For my supposed showmance, you don't really talk to me one on one much :/
9. Megara: I feel like she's not that connected? I think I said that in my DR from today too
10. Peter Parker: We haven't really talked much one on one and our alliance kind of dead lolz
11. Thea Queen: I like her, don't get me wrong, I just don't see her as being one of my closest allies, yk?
12. Mulan: She did so good in this HoH?? I'd like for her and Lexi to stay this week, but I cannot choose her over Lexi
13. Cersei Lannister: I still think you're v overaligned sorry sista
14. Brandy Harrington: You're even more overaligned than Cersei
15. Zuko: You're chill
16. Poison Ivy: I feel like you're active with others over me
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyWed 2 Mar - 22:13:23

Day Six - 3/2/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Icon making it back to my #1 spot eek! The way she just made a f2 with me <3 I feel like I haven't been her #1 this entire time, so I don't feel all that bad that she hasn't been mine. Anyways love love love her
2. Liberty Van Zandt: Pls this is one of my main bitches <3 I love her sm. We're like not together in terms of sides but together one on one and I just love ha
3. Megara: We talked in DEPTH today and I think it's really showing the trust we have for each other
4. Baby Plankton: I live for this little fucker <3
5. Heihei: You move up and down and up and down but I still trust you. Hopefully you don't actually know the alliance got fucked up
6. Justin Russo: He's staying in this 6th spot I fear because I trust him but I don't want to trust him TOO much, yk?
7. Jake Long: Jake is like that ally where you don't know if they're with you in it for the long haul. With somebody like Stephanie, I know I am, you know? Here it's like I don't fuckin know
8. Mulan: I'm living for ole girlie <3 love her and I hope she pulls of this v toe win
9. Mike Wazowski: He's alright but he NEEDS TO RESPOND MORE
10. Peter Parker: You also need to respond more
11. Lexi Howard: You, too, need to respond more
12. Thea Queen: I like her <3 but I just don't know how to feel about her currently
13. Cersei Lannister: Love ya girl I just don't know how much I can trust you
14. Zuko: You're becoming more active which I like to see
15. Brandy Harrington: I don't really trust you all that much
16. Poison Ivy: We need to talk more
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 22:57:34

Day Seven - 3/3/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Literally 100% full on trust. My ride or die at this point
2. Liberty Van Zandt: I do believe she has my back so I really do appreciate our talks
3. Baby Plankton: He basically confirmed again that I'm his #1 (I'm not entirely sure to the truth behind it, but I really do trust him a lot)
4. Heihei: Heihei is honestly just there for me right now and I do appreciate everything they've done for me. They mentioned that they think Justin has a lot more say than he's letting on, so I will be taking note of that
5. Justin Russo: Even though Heihei kind of clocked you a bit, I do believe you're with Stephanie and I
6. Mike Wazowski: You pulling this win off tonight saved my ass entirely. I literally adore you and I'm so glad I have you as an ally
7. Megara: I do believe you trust me and I genuinely do like you. I wish you were more active, but our in depth convo last night is still allowing you to be somewhat high
8. Brandy Harrington: Girl the tea you told me today?!?!?! C'mon showing signs of trust! I think this really proved to me that you can be somewhat loyal, but you could also just be a snake so who knows kjsdfjk. Praying I'm making the right decision shooting you up 7 spots
9. Poison Ivy: Another person shooting up 7 spots is Ivy. I basically told her how I feel in this game and I think that our talk will definitely allow us to be allies in the future
10. Peter Parker: I'm keeping you at ten for now because we don't talk much one on one and I'm not sure where I am on your ranking
11. Cersei Lannister: You've moved up a few spots. I don't think we've really had an in depth conversation yet, but I do like the conversations we are having
12. Zuko: Also moving up 2 spots is Zuko. We don't really talk much because they're busy, but I'm hoping I can be safe with them
13. Jake Long: You would be 14th right now if Mulan wasn't ignoring me. Fuck you. Literally fuck you. You WANTED Lexi to stay and lied to the alliance YOU fucking made about not having a target. Then to top it all off, you didn't even think to say "hey I know you guys were thinking about going on Lexi, but it sounds like she's staying." I see what you're trying to do here and I'm not fucking with it. All up in Lexi's pussy with the "If I win veto I'm going to use it on you. I hope you stay" bullshit, Fuck all the fucking way off. You put your own alliance members in jeopardy for fucking what?! Clearly Lexi would eat up any fucking thing you say, so what the hell was the goddamn point in lying? There was absolutely ZERO fucking reason for that
14. Mulan: Don't think I didn't peep you suddenly ignoring me. I sure as hell fucking did
15. Lexi Howard: Girl you can go. You're genuinely a fucking idiot. Please fuck out of here with that "we're good" talk to then go around telling everybody and their fucking mother you're targeting people who voted you out. Worms for fucking brains. The fact you aren't even targeting Jake.. the person who NOMINATED you? Bye. Literally fucking bye. You annoy the living fucking hell out of me

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:01:57

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Join date : 2022-02-02

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:10:27

Fixed Wink
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:11:21

John I love you <3

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 3 Mar - 23:11:55

The way I also somehow fucked up the titled idek how I did that part but kjsdfnsdk we move! tyty for the fix john yess

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 4 Mar - 22:06:41

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Let’s not act shocked here.. we’re at the point of just saying fucking alliances we’re in like 💀
2. Liberty Van Zandt: Again, shouldn’t really be a shocker here. I’d love for a f3 of her me steph
3. Megara: She better fckin stay I swear to god. I find her as a friend in this game and outside of it
4. Justin Russo: Shouldn’t really be a shocker that he’s high. I kind of have to trust him sjdjdjs
5. Mike Wazowski: Again, I trust him. He’s honest with me (I think)
6. Poison Ivy: Moving up again. I think I can use her as such a valuable ally
7. Baby Plankton: Idkidk I think I’m high in your rankings but you’re pushing it with the whole #1 talk
8. Heihei: You’ve moved down too just because we haven’t really talked game today
9. Brandy Harrington: You have such good points and then.. flop at the final nominations
10. Peter Parker: TALK. TO. ME.
11. Cersei Lannister: You’re chill and all it’s just can I really trust you? Idk
12. Zuko: We haven’t even talked today and the fact you’re not last helpsjdjdjd
13. Jake Long: I just.. after last week.. no
14. Mulan: I hope you leave this week
15. Lexi Howard: Fuck you

Sorry for the ugly not changing to match previous formats thing Sad I’m abt to be v busy and my phone is going to die soon
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySat 5 Mar - 22:56:10

Day Nine - 3/5/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Girl I better be her number one I stfg.. if I'm not I'll be so shocked like...
2. Liberty Van Zandt: Love ha <3
4. Justin Russo: Still adore him
5. Poison Ivy: I genuinely think she trusts me. I mean it's kind of obvious she doesn't talk around much, but she does with me eek <3
6. Mike Wazowski: We don't talk one on one much and I'm praying he does believe I kept Meg bc.. I literally did
7. Cerisei Lannister: I think I'd be safe if you win.. hopefully
8. Heihei: Idrk where I stand with you
9. Baby Plankton: Idrk where I stand with you either
10. Peter Parker: Do you just not talk one on one or what's up??
11. Brandy Harrington: You do so well and then.. just.. don't?
12. Zuko: We don't really talk much and idk who you're with and who you aren't with
13. Jake Long: I don't know. I really don't
14. Lexi Howard: Idk if I can trust a word you say to me
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySun 6 Mar - 23:11:04

Day Ten - 3/6/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: At this point, she’s the only person I can truly trust with my life 😭
2. Poison Ivy: She’s vital for my game right now. The relationship we have if I can set it in stone, will be PERFECT moving forward
3. Justin Russo: He is forced to trust me I think so 💀
4. Liberty Van Zandt: I’m praying my read on you isn’t incorrect
5. Megara: Love love love her. Praying she actually trusts me and isn’t a phony
6. Lexi Howard: It’s sad how you’re moving up this high solely because I’m not one of your targets 😭
7. Zuko: Again, you’re only moving up because other people suck
8. Mike Wazowski: I don’t know.. fuck I don’t know
9. Cersei Lannister: I don’t trust you either 😭
10. Jake Long: I feel like you continuously lie to my face
11. Heihei: I don’t know what to believe
12. Baby Plankton: You’re fake as fuck
13. Peter Parker: Respond
14. Brandy Harrington: You’re also fake as fuck
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyMon 7 Mar - 0:08:49

Heihei when you see this post season I- I can explain!!
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyMon 7 Mar - 23:23:33

Day Eleven - 3/7/22

1. Stephanie Beatriz: Moving on. We all knew this already
2. Heihei: HEIHEI I AM SO FUCKING SORRY.. I FEEL LIKE I JUST GAVE YOU THE OOMF TREATMENT OF PUTTING A MASSIVE TARGET ON YOUR BACK FOR BEING A FUCKING IDIOT... You're going to HATE me when you realize the entire reason you got nominated originally is because my stupid ass 100% believed that you snitched out that alliance Trust Rankings 1f62d Trust Rankings 1f62d Trust Rankings 1f62d I feel so fucking bad right now it isn't even funny. When you said you were transfering me your coins yesterday I realized I made such a huge fucking mistake. God I'm such a fucking idiot. UGH I'M A FUCKING IDIOT
3. Justin Russo: Hey bae ily !
4. Poison Ivy: Oh this is my bitch. My fucking god she's an icon
5. Liberty Van Zandt: The way she truly has my back fuck I love her
6. Lexi Howard: I never thought I'd see the day where we actually started working together. I truly believed it was a lost cause. I love your ass
7. Peter Parker: No because I didn't trust your ass for shit but I'm so stupid. I really should've
8. Zuko: I hate how high you're ranked
9. Jake Long: I don't think you'll come after me so SLAYYYY
10. Cersei Lannister: You owe me now so <3 evicting my ass smh I see how it is sister!
11. Brandy Harrington: I don't trust your ass at all
12. Megara: If you were the anonymous HoH.. I'm going to feel so fucking blindsided. It's not even funny

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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyWed 9 Mar - 23:38:51

Gotta do this fast bc I need to talk around about noms still but
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyWed 9 Mar - 23:41:20

1. Stephanie Beatriz: you’re sick for having me win this hoh
2. Poison Ivy: My preferred final 2. Trust you with my life
3. Jake Long: Us getting nominated together connected us again I feel
4. Liberty Van Zandt: Idkidk Zuko got me thinking
5. Justin Russo: I need you out soon
6. Lexi Howard: I think I can trust you to an extent
7. Megara: I feel like you’re close with me but not fully trusting of me
8. Peter Parker: I trust you, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think you prioritize me
9. Cersei Lannister: You evicted me so liek..
10. Brandy Harrington: Bitch
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

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Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyThu 10 Mar - 23:53:59

1. Poison Ivy: love u
2. Stephanie Beatriz: you have pissed me the absolute fuck off this week and you still are
3. Jake Long: Thank you for actually being honest
4. Justin Russo: Thank you too because you’re actually evicting Brandy
5. Lexi Howard: I trust you but hate you atm for this
6. Liberty Van Zandt: Fuck you for this too.. my fucking god you’re an idiot sometimes
7. Peter Parker: love u bae im sorry
8. Cersei Lannister: honest queen thank u
9. Megara: Stop fucking lying it’s fucking annoying
10. Brandy Harrington: Sorry
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptyFri 11 Mar - 23:58:56

1. Poison Ivy: literally only trust u now
2. Stephanie Beatriz: going to cry i’m so sorry bae
3. Cersei Lannister: making stephanie make u love me yeah
4. Jake Long: king
5. Justin: u got ur wish
6. Peter Parker: love u sm
7. Megara: i’m also sorry bae
8. Lexi Howard: fuck u
9. Liberty Van Zandt: fuck u
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Trust Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trust Rankings   Trust Rankings EmptySat 12 Mar - 11:34:43

doing these fast af omfg

1. Poison Ivy: my bae i love her
2. Stephanie Beatriz: i just ruined an entire relationship so you better stay
3. Justin Russo: you’re lucky i like you but tbh hope you LEAVE
4. Peter Parker: my bestayyyt
5. Cersei Lannister: why are you always on the wrong side of what i want to do.. annoying
6. Jake Long: you’re annoying for telling justin i think he’s the invisible hoh
7. Megara: get up fr
8. Liberty Van Zandt: you’re gullible and it’s embarrassing
9. Lexi Howard: FREAK!
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