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 Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyFri 25 Feb - 19:51:51

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo

This is where I'll rank every houseguest I can in order of most trusted/liked/take-to-the-end to least.

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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySat 26 Feb - 3:42:05

Day One
2/25-2/26 3:11 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Move-In Day

New Personal Events:
Alliance Created! Name: 4 Dalmatians. The name threw me the fuck off because of me and my Cruella stan era still being in full effect but... It seems like an OK group of people so far so I'll stick with it, even though I like Elliot Page and will prioritize Elliot Page the most.


2. Heihei - Idc I KNOW ur gonna be trouble down the line because ur such an obvious vet, but it's so easy to trick a vet if u just let them think ur kass. Bahaha jk, I'm meaning to say that it's very easy to trick a vet by making them feel good with you and not poising yourself as a threat. Similarly, winning power early on and making a decision that lines up with what they want will surely put me in their good graces until I need to turn on them. I'm deciding to play like a snake if I can.

3. Elliot Page - Another person I suspect as a vet. Idc. I just think they know what they're talking about a little too much. I really appreciate that he came out of nowhere being shady about other people to me. I don't know what I did to make him trust me so much so quickly but it was indeed funny. I know he's also a danger, but hey, I like working with danger.


5. Brandy Harrington - Girl what the fuck? LMFAOOOO UR SO FUNNY FOR THIS BUT LIKE WTF LMFAOOOOOO

6. Justin Russo - He's fkn weird but I've spoken to him more than like half the cast so?

7. Peter Parker - Copy/Paste Justin Russo but for Peter Parker. And we also talked about less.

8. Lexi Howard - She would be higher because she is in an alliance with me, Justin Russo, and Poison Ivy, but I fear the fact that she private messaged me so quickly strikes me as a bit weird so I'll keep her down here. Though she IS my favorite character from uforeah so she gets extra brownie points. Expect her to rise once we start actually talking.

9. Poison Ivy - We're in an alliance so werk queen.

10. Baby Plankton - Spoke a little bit, I like him, I imagine we'll speak a bit more. I pretended like I was drunk so I have enough time to spam post for a bit, write this, and then go to bed so I can wake up an an acceptable time to socialize early so people don't spot me as Calvin.

11. Cersei Lannister - ?

12. Mike Wazowski - ?

13. Belle - ?

14. Jake Long - Idk kinda weird so I'll put him here for funsies.

15. Thea Queen - ?

16 Zuko - ?

17. Xander Hastings - ?

18. Tiana - ?

19. Mulan - ?

20. Olaf - ?

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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySun 27 Feb - 1:39:49

Day Two
2/26 3:11AM - 2/27 12:51 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
HoH #1 Begins

New Personal Events:
- HoH is posted and I practically am guaranteed the win. It comes with 3 extra weeks of safety as well as the chance to be a third nom on Week 5. DUH? THAT'S THE BARGAIN OF THE CENTURY? I GET TO BASICALLY BE NEDA KALANTAR? OK????
- Alliance created with Cersi and Baby Plankton called the Pajama something idk. Sleepover gals? I forget, either way, Cersi is quickly becoming my #2 and Elliot is eating down as my closest.


2. Elliot Page - I would literally die for Elliot. Just read our room. Elliot started being shady to me like hour 1 and now we're besties

3. Cersi Lancaster - Same as Elliot except less

4. Justin Russo - Justin's weird, yes, but aren't we all?

5. Peter Parker - Peter is so fucking sweet oh my god he actually brought me to tears earlier

6. Megara - Queen of coloring the text like this for no reason

7. Baby Plankton - He's only active at night. But. He's in several alliances with me (2/3) so he may live... For now.

8. Heihei - This bitch everywhere and then suddenly nowhere? What kinda game?...

9. Liberty Van Zandt - We talk, yeah. She's cute though

10. Brandy Harrington - This chick is fucking WEIRD. Girl, u are WEIRD. "I don't want to make enemies so soon" girl just say ur overaligned even with the INACTIVES AND LEAVE. Fuckin weirdo.

11. Jake Long - Jake is bland but he's bland WITH ME so yeah

12. Mike Wazowski - Mike gives me BAD vibes. But. We talk a good amount. So. That's that.

13. Mulan - I think Mulan and I ~can~ connect but haven't yet. Either way, I'm keeping her safe so?

14. Zuko - I think he's inactive but he's spoken with me about not knowing the forum and he seems genuine and I'm keeping him safe so I expect he'd be chill with me.

15. Poison Ivy - Where'd you go? U served cunt the first 30 mins and then left? Real BBA Regina George type beat?

16. Lexi Howard - Where'd you go? U used to be so active and now ur not?

17. Thea Queen - Potential Target

18. Tiana - Potential Target

19. Belle - Potential Target

20. Xander Hastings - Target

21. Olaf - Target
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyMon 28 Feb - 1:01:13

Day Three
2/27 12:51 AM - 2/28 12:27 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Stephanie nominates Belle, Xander, Olaf, and Thea
Stephanie wins Veto
Stephanie uses Veto on Thea and puts up Lexi in her place
Final Noms: Lexi, Olaf, Xander, and Belle

New Personal Events:
- Uh nothing really much? This is a transitional period so I don't have much to say other than go Stephanie!

1. Stephanie Beatriz - DUH! Queen is RUNNING THIS HOUSE DRY! Though she's FUCKED once it comes time to depose her. Sis just wants to leave a mark.

2. Elliot Page - GODSEND. I know he must be thinking that "Stephanie is pulling all these hoes" WELL... OK I AM... BUT... UR MY FAVORITE OK? I WOULD DIE FOR U ELLIOT.

3. Justin Russo - Suddenly he became normal today? Like he's no longer a weirdo? Idk we have the second most amount of posts (I have 130 with him, only beaten by Elliot and me with 215)

4. Megara - Queen things idk she's a woman of little words but still the woman of my heart

5. Zuko - He's not on much. But when he is on... I think he's on with being #TeamStephanie

6. Peter Parker - Yeah he's nice but we barely spoke today!

7. Cersi Lannister - Yeah she's moving down just cuz I know she's a good player. That doesn't impact Elliot because I know (or at least I think) I'm Elliot's #1.

8. Jake Long - Boring but ... Oddly comforting?

9. Baby Plankton - In multiple alliances, yadda yadda, I like him.

10. Liberty Van Zandt - We didn't talk much, but man I like her a LOT. If only we were in any concrete alliance chats...

11. Mike Wazowski - I don't know why he climbed my list. I actually trust him less than I did 1 day ago.

12. Mulan - I see her on... But she doesn't speak with me much. Weird.

13. Poison Ivy - Happy Birthday queenie u moved up two spots

14. Thea Queen - Hopefully we can build something and go off of that?...

15. Heihei - We talked a shit ton and then it just... Stopped?

16. Brandy Harrington - Girl where the fuck did u go?

17. Lexi Howard - Ok I know I put u up for no reason and you're a level headed, logical person, so u should theoretically hate me, but you know I'm safe for 3 more rounds so you're keeping that from impacting your game right now. Smart cookie.

18. Tiana - Girl

19. Belle - Girl

20. Xander Hastings - BYE

21. Olaf - BYE
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyMon 28 Feb - 17:11:13

Day Three Image
Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo 8Akzq3t
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyTue 1 Mar - 1:34:51

Day Four
2/28 12:27 AM - 3/1 1:34 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Olaf and Xander Hastings evicted 6-6-1-0-XXX
Justin Russo wins HoH
Justin Russo nominates Belle, Tiana, Mulan, and Heihei
Heihei wins veto
Heihei uses veto on self
Justin Russo renominates Lobster Van Smirks
Final noms: Lobster, Belle, Mulan, Tiana

New Personal Events:
- Not much, but this game has certainly been such a help on my mental health!

1. Stephanie Beatriz - Stephanie is queen I'm sorry I CANT

2. Cersei Lannister - Cersei is queen I'm sorry we're in every corner of the house together and I'd rather duo with her than go after her at this point in time. I can't wait until the later game when I plan on turning on her because she's doing what I'm doing... But better.

3. Justin Russo - Justin kingy of being overaligned... But ur overaligned with ME so... Yeah. Also we just talk a lot. That's really the mark of my allyship is talking with me.

4. Elliot Page - Elliot's biggest mistake was letting me know how smart he was.

5. Heihei - He did a good job at talking to me throughout his nomination which made me think he's closer to me than I previously believed. Go figure.

6. Zuko - He's just... So pure. But I feel like he'll be an Elliot minion here soon. I just found out that Elliot gives him game advice.

7. Megara - Queen

8. Liberty Van Zandt - I really like her! I am honestly shocked she's OTB at the moment. Justin surprised me with that lowkey. But I like her being after Justin so I'm gonna uphold this.

9. Tom Holland - Kinda not talking to meeee

10. Jake Long - Honestly kingy I really like him but kinda dry and slept thru a comp so ehh

11. Mulan - OK I LOWKEY RLLY LIKE MULAN LOL but I don't have a SUPER established game relationship with her, sooo?

12. Poison Ivy - A woman of little words

13. Baby Plankton - Girl ur gonna have to try harder to socialize and whatnot.

14. Thea Queen - Maybe we can continue to talk more when I'm not POOPED.

15. Mike Wazowski - Where u go boo?

16. Lexi Howard - I made my bed, I must lay in it and realize me and Lexi will need to do some extra work when it comes to fixing us.

17. Brandy Harrington - Girl you are WEIRD. UGH. I know you like me but MAN do I want to backdoor you.

18. Tiana - Bye sorry ur an inactive

19. Belle - Bye sorry I'm evicting you

RIP Olaf

RIP Xander Hastings
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyWed 2 Mar - 2:44:24

Day Five
3/1 1:34 AM - 3/2 2:30 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Tiana and Belle evicted (5-5-2-1)
Jake Long wins HoH
Jake Long nominates Mulan and Lexi Howard

New Personal Events:
- Not much, besides the four corners incident

1. Stephanie Beatriz - God, queen, you are doing it again. Constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly.

2. Cersei Lannister - I have the most fun with her but man is she useless lol. Flawless social game so far though.

3. Mulan - I truly don't think she has that many people and I think if I work her enough I MIGHT be able to get her money out the door.

4. Zuko - Future Elliot minion but at least I'm in his top 2 (ish) (I think)

5. Megara - I talk a lot about "personal lives" with her (a bunch of made up shit) and we connect on that level. I think she's cool and I think I'm a high priority for her so she is one for me too.

6. Heihei - I think that nomination scared Heihei straight into my arms. Cute! But I know I'm not his ~favorite~ so I got to keep him in line by just tending to our relationship.

7. Liberty Van Zandt - I wanted to put her higher but I felt like I needed to include the others to show growth rather than reality. I really like Liberty.

8. Elliot Page - We still talk a lot and we're honestly quite aligned because I feel like we both want Lexi to go this week so maybe we can co-serve and flex our coochies a bit to show how tight of a gorilla grip the two of us have? I don't think we have a tight hold but maybe we can test our waters this week while I still have a week left of safety.

9. Justin Russo - Idk why he's so low this is just how the list panned out? I like him and feel safe with him.

10. Peter Parker - Another person I talk "personal lives" with (I actually tell a decent amount of truth with my mental health, I AM in a rough spot irl but I'm most certainly not a bisexual Italian woman)

11. Baby Plankton - It'd be cute if he was HoH tbh

12. Thea Queen - Bonding over the ~4 Corners Incident~ was cute. Plus I think she thinks she can manipulate me because of my veto usage so maybe she wants me to have an extended stay in the game!

13. Poison Ivy - She's not here often, but when she is, I feel great with ha.

14. Jake Long - WHY U PICK ME SO DAMN FAST? BITCH IMA GET YA! Jk ur cool but my trust in you TANKED because of that.

15. Mike Wazowski - This mf probably hitting the block with Lexi Howard ass once I win that 5th HoH.

16. Brandy Harrington - She's a weirdo but at least she's in my circle of hoes

17. Lexi Howard - Ik Elliot was telling me that she despised me to stir the pot and keep me on her but I didn't like the chick anyways after I nominated her so she can go lol.

RIP Belle

RIP Tiana

RIP Olaf

RIP Xander Hastings
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyThu 3 Mar - 0:05:31

Day Six
3/2 2:30 AM - 3/3 12:04 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Mulan wins Veto
Mulan uses Veto on herself
Jake Long renominated Thea Queen

New Personal Events:
- When both final nominees are two people that I nominated like 2 rounds ago... My serve? Jk I didn't influence his decision
- Not anything new besides Lexi going home yas and wig

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo BAAACVq
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left

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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyFri 4 Mar - 1:43:35

Day Seven
3/3 12:04 AM - 3/4 1:34 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Thea Queen is Evicted 10-4
Everyone thinks I evicted Lexi Queen
Mike Wazowski wins HoH
Mike Wazowski nominates Megara and Liberty Van Zandt

New Personal Events:
- I have been humbled .

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo UTnuAY5
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left[/quote]
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySat 5 Mar - 3:37:57

Day Eight
3/4 1:34 AM - 3/5 3:37 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Stephanie Beatriz (Winner, Icon, The moment) wins Veto
Stephanie Beatriz uses Veto on Liberty Van Zandt
Michael Wazowski renominates Mulan
Final Noms: Megara and Mulan

New Personal Events:

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo GM3F3Jb
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySun 6 Mar - 3:31:01

Day Nine
3/5 3:37 AM -

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Mulan evicted 7-6
HoH Comp 5 Begins

New Personal Events:
- I made the right choice with my vote last week. I take it back.

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Z7MJ2wY
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyMon 7 Mar - 15:00:08

Day 11 I THINK?
I probably missed a DR between the Endurance and everything else happening IRL but c'est la vie

This will be a very gross and not nice looking one because i assume Im going home today. Today is ranked people based on how much I think they're gonna nominate and evict me with the secret hoh.

1. Stephanie Beatriz - I cant compete even
2. Elliot Page - kingy
3. Justin Russo - Kingy
4. Zuko - I trust him
5. Liberty - I used veto on her
6. Poison Ivy - Ig
7. Lexi Howard - I didnt nom her ig
8. Megara - No clue where her head is at
9. Cersei - the obvious frontrunner to win the game, so she will do what she must
10. Brandy - No idea where her head is at
11. Baby P - I dont think he would win but if he did he would keep me safe I THINK
12. Peter Parker - stop trying to evade my advances
13. Heihei - I would nom me if I were him
14. Jake Long - I would nom me secretly if I were him
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyTue 8 Mar - 3:25:22

Day 11
3/7 - 3/8 3:14 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
A lot that I wont mention

New Personal Events:
A lot that I wont mention cuz its too much blah blah blah

1. Stephanie Beatriz - She is a comp threat that nobody is evicting? Why?

2. Elliot Page - He needs to go somewhat soon but I need his money around so... Yeah.

3. Zuko - You're inactive but you're MY inactive <3

4. Cersei Lannister - She is an ENDGAME THREAT and someone I want to target following Brandy. Next HoH I win, I'm turning on Brandy/Cersei/Megara

5. Liberty Van Zandt - Boring

6. Lexi Howard - I've had 2 HoH's to get rid of her and I've made 5 noms within those 2 HoH's so... I think she and I are good now.

7. Poison Ivy - I mean she's pretty inactive but at least she's in my corner?

8. Jake Long - Yeah no maybe he trusts me maybe he doesn't idk.

9. Megara - Keeping up with you is a hassle

10. Justin Russo - Ugh keeping up with you is a hassle

11. Brandy Harrington - I actually really fucking like her and she's my favorite person in this house besides Cersei and Elliot... But she is a threat. A very very big threat. And she must go sometime soon if anyone else wants a chance (besides me, I should go soon too)

12. Peter Parker - Sorry I nominated you :/

13. Heihei - Yeah you may leave now

RIP Baby Plankton

RIP Mike Wazowski

RIP Mulan

RIP Thea Queen

RIP Belle

RIP Tiana

RIP Xander Hastings

RIP Olaf
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyWed 9 Mar - 1:31:55

Day 12
3/8 3:14 AM - 3/9 1:29 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Megara won HoH
Megara nominated Zuko and Liberty Van Zandt
Zuko uses Hades' power to nominate Elliot Page
Elliot Page wins the easiest Veto Maybe Ever
No Renom
Final Noms: Zuko and Liberty Van Zandt

New Personal Events:
Ivy is now my #1 and Elliot has to go sometime soon

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Nx3MYQS
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left

Theodora Crain likes this post

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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyThu 10 Mar - 5:01:40

Day 13
3/9 1:29 AM - 3/10 4:55 AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Zuko Evicted 5-4
Elliot Page Wins HoH (I threw)
Elliot Page Nominates Brandy Harrington and Peter Parker

New Personal Events:
Elliot has to go sometime soon, Cersei has to stay but that sadly means I have to take the L and let Brandy go home this week

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo LqHXaKl
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left
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Stephanie Beatriz

Stephanie Beatriz

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptyFri 11 Mar - 4:12:26

Day 14
3/10 4:55 AM - 3/11 4:08AM

This is my ally tier rankings. Do not be offended unless I say some horribly mean thing about you, which I probably will. Then be offended.

New Game Events:
Stephanie Beatriz throws Veto very obviously on accident. She was supposed to throw but not THAT obvious
Elliot page wins Veto
Elliot Page keeps nominations the same
Final Noms: Brandy Harrington and Peter Parker

New Personal Events:
Elliot has to go once I'm done scamming him for his money.

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo BEcRkyn
* Reminder that the tiers go from most trusted at the top to least trusted at the bottom.
* Another reminder that rows are organized with the people I like/trust more being farther to the left
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Elliot Page

Elliot Page

Join date : 2022-02-25

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySun 27 Mar - 0:21:39

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Justin Russo

Justin Russo

Join date : 2022-02-25
Age : 33
Location : Waverly Place

Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo EmptySun 27 Mar - 0:33:45

My fall from grace throughout this thread kinda ate
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Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo   Ally Tier List 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty

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