Big Brother Quarantine Season 11
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  Welcome Message & Rules

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2022-02-02

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PostSubject: Welcome Message & Rules    Welcome Message & Rules EmptyThu 24 Feb - 22:48:14

Welcome everyone to Big Brother Quarantine Season 11

 Welcome Message & Rules G0R6336

You are about to embark on a journey that will last a few weeks, so you better buckle up and get comfortable.

Before we get to the fun stuff, let's get to some rules first, shall we? You might get quizzed on these rules, so I would strongly suggest to read & understand fully.

First of all, let me introduce our hosting panel this season.

Arisa Cox (Kathy): on Twitter @gallymeroreboot
Pirate Ember (Slimm): on Twitter @SlimmReality
Pedro (John): on Twitter @ChangeThisPlz
Justin Bieber ft. Scrump (Josue): on Twitter @JosueJellyfish
Theodora Crain (Sophia): on Twitter@bb_donato

Myself (@gallymeroreboot) & the co-hosts above are the ONLY people you can talk to about this game. Your identity must remain a secret for this game to work well. Friendships ended in other seasons over pre gaming. It ruins the whole point of this series.

I do ask that you ask your questions in the thread that I made for you in your Diary Room titled "Questions for the Hosts". I want all hosts to have access to the conversations between hosts/players to make sure the message is the same across the board. If you need a quick answer, you can always DM on Twitter the main production account which is @QGamesOfficial.

Be careful about talking about this game in group chats & whatnot. You would be shocked how many people slide into our DMs to rat on you guys, especially with the larger prize this series offers. Also be careful how you talk to people. Try to not give out too many personal details about yourself. Some will use it to try and figure out who you are. Some might know you well & figure you out from the info you give them about yourself. I'm not asking you all to pretend to be your character, but also try to pretend you're not you when on here.


The following set of rules is to ensure that everyone has a pleasant time here in quarantine and to keep the integrity of the mystery alive.

Rule 1: Have fun! There will still be a cash prize this season but we are here to have fun first & foremost.

Rule 2: Know the lines not to cross when in an argument. This season I'm simplifying this rule. I feel like I cast a group of mature adults & with a small production team, I do not have time to monitor every single interaction. I'm asking that you.

- Do not act racist or homophobe
- Do not make unwanted sexual advances
- Do not use any racial & homophobic terms
- Do not flirt unless it's wanted. I don't mind it, but if it's not welcomed, shut it down

The rest, I will not get involved. If you guys call each other names, as long as it doesn't fall into the above mentioned, it's game. Be mindful though, sometimes things can be triggering. It's not that hard to play hard without being a total C U next Tuesday & put me in a situation where I have to put my foot down.

Rule 3: This game is anonymous & that is very important to me. I do not host this series to see cliques thrive in another ORG. I do this to give everyone an even playing field. You could be removed from the game if you do not follow the rule of staying anonymous & I have concrete proof of it.

Rule 4: There will be no talking outside of the forum. For example, no Google Documents to type to one another, no giving one another phone numbers, and no linking to other sites to talk. No Twitter group chats, no Twitter DM, no Zoom, NOTHING. If you need to talk or want to work together on something, keep a tab open with your private rooms, or keep an eye on your DMs. Again, if I am given concrete proof that this is happening, you will receive a punishment.

Rule 5: The co-host & I will do our best to get everything done in a fun, polite & timely manner, but we're human, mistakes & delays could happen. We ask that you address us with respect & we'll do the same. We also ask that you do not use production as strategy. This goes for accusations regarding our hosting. None of us are putting our time in this to rig or favour anyone. If you do not trust us, you're in the wrong place. If you have an issue with anything in the challenges, please address it with us politely. I will give you back the energy you give me. If you're nice, I'll be nice. If you're bitchy, I'll probably be bitchy too.

Rule 6: If you fail to vote for eviction at any point, you will not be able to play in the next HOH challenge. This is a 3 strikes you're out system as well.

Rule 7: If you quit, you risk being BANNED from the series. It messes with the game too much. I understand emergencies, so I will go at this case by case.

BEING ACTIVE IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you are not active for 48 hours (meaning that you did not even log on the forum for 48 hours) you will be removed from the game unless you have advised me you will be away.

Furthermore, if you fail to vote 3 times, you will be removed from the game. Voting is important and you are given ample time to submit your vote.

These rules are not extreme so I hope you can all adhere.

Private Room Requests

1- I NEED a name for any room your request
2- I NEED every request to be done in your thread in your DR. One of us will like the post once it's done
3- I NEED only one of you to request the room

If you fail to give me a room name, I’ll name it something funky Razz


You can copy/paste stuff but you can't full on-send people screenshots.

Last edited by Arisa Cox on Fri 25 Feb - 18:52:12; edited 1 time in total

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2022-02-02

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Message & Rules    Welcome Message & Rules EmptyFri 25 Feb - 0:13:21

Additional Message

Hello Houseguests,

You will notice a few things when you get on the forum. It's important to read everything. Actually, let me tell you that reading will be your friend in this game. There will always be specific rules in challenges & you will be expected to follow them when submitting answers if you want your answers to count. It's also a good idea for you to always be aware of everything on the forum. You never know what could be hiding around here.

In your Diary Room, you will see a thread for your Private Room Requests, Questions to the Hosts & your BBQ Bank Account. Those are all pretty self explanatory. You will also see threads for your Head of Household answers & for your Power of Veto answers. Use those threads unless we state to make a specific thread in the challenge rules.

You will also notice a Kitchen Area with a move-in feast. Use that area to get to know everyone as you move in to the forum & want to make a good first impression.

Lastly, you will see that you have sections for private rooms. You have 1 on 1 private rooms that have been pre made for you with everyone on the cast. There's also a section for group private rooms that will appear once you start requesting them. If you ever decide that you don't want to be in a specific room, let us know you want to be removed from (name the room name) in your Private Room Request thread in your Diary Room.

If you have any questions, please let us know!!!
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2022-02-02

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Message & Rules    Welcome Message & Rules EmptyFri 25 Feb - 18:51:18


The forum offers the luxury to have timestamps up to the second. This means that we take deadlines seriously. I know in Twitter games, we are often told, vote by such & such a time, but in BBQ, you are given an amount of time. So if I open the voting period at 10:19:55pm & I say you have 12 hours to vote, it means you have to have your vote in before the clock hits 10:19:56am hits.

We will try to have eviction posted soon after the deadline, but since we all have jobs, it could be a bit later, but it will for sure be before the next HOH (usually it's posted within 2 hours of the voting deadline closing.)
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